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Скачать Big Box Store Blues (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 26 сентября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Big Box Store Blues (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Big Box Store Blues
Жанр: Blues, Rock Blues, Lyric
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 140
Время звучания: 10 :14 :28
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Рок баллады - это по настоящему та музыка, которую хочется назвать общепризнанной, которую можно назвать доступной и возвышенной вместе с тем, что станет приемлемой для всех и любимой всеми. Если просто рок может вынести не каждый человек, то блюз баллады станет слушать каждый без исключения и получать массу удовольствия.

001. Los Lonely Boys - Heart Won't Tell A Lie
002. Stevie Ray Vaughan - Lookin' Out The Window
003. Rob Tognoni - Brave
004. The Joey Gilmore Band - Man Of My Word
005. Matthew Skoller - Big Box Store Blues
006. Ryan McGarvey - Always & Forever
007. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Layin' It Down
008. Selwyn Birchwood - Heavy Heart
009. The Stumble - In & Out of Love
010. The Dogtown Blues Band - Everyday I Have The Blues
011. Micki Free - Co-Co-Gin
012. Eric Gales - Help Yourself
013. Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado - Young Girl
014. Rockocola - Dear Girl
015. Ryan McGarvey - Blue Eyed Angel Blues
016. Dirty Dave Osti - More Love
017. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - Junkie Hell
018. Mick Kolassa & Mark Telesca - Why Don't We Do It In The Road
019. Los Lonely Boys - Staying With Me
020. John Mayer - Moving On and Getting Over
021. Piedmont Four - Little Bit
022. Eagles - The Long Run
023. Lew Jetton & 61 South - Drama
024. Tina Turner - Undercover Agent For The Blues
025. Troy Redfern - The Line
026. Big Wolf Band - Love That Hurts
027. Jimmy Cornett & The Deadmen - Road To Heaven
028. Gina Sicilia - All My Loving
029. Subluna - Got Myself A Bluesride
030. Panhandle - I Wanna Take You Higher
031. John McNamara - Wild Out There
032. Tracey Barnett - Listen To The Earth
033. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Ride Of Your Life
034. Ruthie Foster - What Are You Listening To
035. 100 Watt Vipers - Blindman
036. Shaun Murphy - Fool For You
037. Robin Trower - Time and Emotion
038. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - Not Necessarily
039. Loes Swinkels - Forbidden
040. Temporary Roads - Nothin' But The Same
041. Devon Allman Honeytribe - Could Get Dangerous
042. The Swagger Kings - Baby Doll's
043. Jason Barnhouse - Run Your Fingers
044. Jeffrey Halford & The Healers - Last Kiss
045. George Thorogood - No Expectations
046. Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers - Puttin' The Word Out
047. Ana Popovic - Wasted
048. Rob Tognoni - You
049. Ryan McGarvey - Cryin' Over You
050. The Jeff Golub Band - Oh Pretty Woman
051. Brad Stivers - One Night Of Sin
052. Off The Grid - The Banker
053. Racing The Sun - Chorizo
054. Walter Trout Band - Put It Right Back
055. Los Lonely Boys - You Can't See The Light
056. Trevor Sewell - Stand Next To Him
057. Simon Kinny-Lewis - Only Love
058. Devon Allman - Strategy
059. The Blues Mystery - The Motorbikes Are Roaring
060. Louis Mezzasoma - Whiskey and Blues
061. 'Sir' Oliver Mally's Blues Distillery - Fleeting Moments
062. Felipe Prado - I Can Trust Myself
063. Devon Coyote - Running Wild
064. Laurence Jones - Set It Free
065. John Mayall - The Devil Must Be Laughing (Feat. Joe Walsh)
066. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Ball Keeps Rollin'
067. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - Work in Progress
068. Keb' Mo' - For Better Or Worse
069. The Naughty Blokes - Ain't No Saviour
070. Karen Lovely - Next Time
071. King Of The World - No Way Out
072. Sean Chambers - Cut Off My Right Arm
073. Greg Poulos - Out of Sight
074. Coco Montoya - Before The Bullets Fly
075. Dave Hole - He Knows The Rules
076. Tristan Mackay - I'll Be Yours Tonight
077. Laurence Jones - Don't Look Back (feat. Sandi Thom)
078. Gina Sicilia - All My Loving
079. Silent Mind - Say Something
080. Kay Kay And The Rays - Baby Can You Hear Me
081. Big Mama Montse Band - No More Tears & Pain
082. Scott Ramminger - Off My Mind
083. Candye Kane - I Wanted You To Walk Right Thru That Door
084. Delbert Mcclinton & Self-Made Men - The Hunt Is On
085. John The Revelator - Sensitive Kind
086. Wille And The Bandits - Crossfire Memories
087. Sean Chambers - Trouble & Whiskey
088. Zac Harmon - Joanna
089. Chris Duarte - Baddness
090. Patty Reese - Goodbye
091. Danny Bryant - Slow Suicide
092. Janiva Magness - Who Will Come For Me
093. Devon Allman - Back To You
094. The Kate Lush Band - Good Good Love
095. Devon Coyote - Homemade Wine
096. Micah Bournes - Four Left Feet
097. Clark, Gary, Jr. - My Baby's Gone
098. Hamish Anderson - 18 Days
099. Joey Gilmore - Brandon's Blues
100. Los Colognes - 99 Ways
101. Samantha Fish - Crow Jane
102. The Rocky Athas Group - High Cost Of Loving
103. Andres Roots - Alligator Blues
104. The Yardbirds - For Your Love
105. Whoopie Cat - Amy Rose
106. Willa - Demons
107. Bruce Ewan - La Bluecaracha
108. Gary Clark Jr. - When My Train Pulls In
109. Innes Sibun - Fly Too Near To The Sun
110. Lead Belly - Match Box Blues
111. Jimmy Thackery And The Drivers - The Barber's Guitar
112. Joey Gilmore - Cold Cold Feeling
113. Robben Ford - Wild About You
114. The Marcus King Band - I Won't Be Here
115. Scott McMahan - Song for My Muse
116. The Sean Webster Band - Long Time Coming
117. Danny Bryant - Just Won't Burn
118. Greyhounds - It's So Good To Be Alive
119. Devon Allman - Don't Set Me Free
120. Jose Luis Pardo - Mabelle
121. Chris Duarte Group - She Don't Live Here Anymore
122. Johnny Nicholas - Play Me Like You Play Your Guitar
123. Henrik Freischlader - Caroline
124. Jerimiah Marques And The Blue Aces - Same Thing
125. John Blues Boyd - John, The Blues Is Calling You
126. The Scotty Bratcher Band - My Way Down
127. Jay Willie Blues Band - The Horse (Instrumental)
128. Whoopie Cat - Taken My Money
129. Devon Allman - I'll Be Around
130. Thodis Ealey - It's A Real Good Thang
131. Freddie King - Do The President Twist
132. Y'Akoto - In A War
133. Grayson Capps - Graveyard
134. The Buddaheads - Nothing To Lose
135. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt - Where's The Rain
136. John Lee Hooker - Hold On Baby
137. Laurence Jones - All I Need
138. Tucci - Without You
139. Zed Mitchell - Dreamer
140. Smokin' Joe & Bnois King - Armadillo Blues

Скачать: Big Box Store Blues (2017)


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