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Скачать Infatuation Blues (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 6 ноября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Infatuation Blues (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Infatuation Blues
Жанр: Blues, Rock Blues
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 150
Время звучания: 11 :45 :52
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
И в наше время блюз является ярким и горячо любимым. Именно поэтому на сборнике «Infatuation Blues» можно услышать все современные хиты, а так же классические мелодии начала зарождения блюза.

001. Paul Black - Sister Sadness
002. Rob Tognoni - Time Changes
003. Jim Allchin - Healing Ground
004. Lazy 50 - Catch My Train
005. Jerimiah Marques - Heavy Load
006. Blues Underground - I'll Play The Blues For You
007. Alex Lopez - Morning Blues
008. Stoney Curtis Band - Soul Love
009. Out Of Favor Boys - Dark Clouds
010. McIntosh, Robbie - Scarecrow
011. Stoney Curtis Band - Colors
012. Jay Gordon Band - Karma
013. Blues Company - Crippled Mind
014. Easy way out - Jay Hooks
015. Jerimiah Marques - Fire Down Below
016. Davy Knowles - What Doesn't Kill You
017. Miss Tess - Do You Want My Love
018. Stoney Curtis Band - Last Train To Chicago
019. Stoney Curtis Band - Infatuation Blues
020. Out Of Favor Boys - Minutes
021. Luther Grosvenor - Floodgates
022. JvT Band - Old Love
023. Stoney Curtis Band - Blues Without You
024. JvT Band - Lucy
025. John Campbelljohn - Fantastico Supremo
026. Cody Dickinson - Boomers Story
027. Sandi Thom - Maggie McCall
028. GT's Boos Band - Lonely Roads
029. Justin Johnson - Rollin’
030. Jim Perry - I Think About You
031. Blues Company - Kids
032. John Hiatt - Thunderbird
033. Warren Haynes - Patchwork Quilt
034. Naked Blue - Fall From Grace
035. Barbara Blue - Rollin' Up On Me
036. Big Monti Amundson - Dirt Brown Duplex
037. Sandi Thom - Gold Dust
038. Roland Johnson - Your's and Mine
039. Scotty Meyer Band - Treat Me Right
040. Luther Grosvenor - Evesham Boy
041. John Campbelljohn - Meet My Maker
042. Lazy 50 - Hell Freezes Over
043. Ian Parker - The Love I Have
044. Tandem Unicycle - Red Feather
045. John Hiatt - Master Of Disaster
046. JvT Band - Angel On The Loose
047. Jim Perry - And Then You Walked In
048. Scotty Meyer Band - Let It Go
049. Barbara Blue - Coat & Hat
050. Warren Haynes - Cortez The Killer
051. Walter Trout and The Radicals - Gotta Leave This Town
052. Tony Spinner - World Full of Women
053. Robert Stanley - I Heard
054. The Steepwater Band - Shake Your Faith
055. The Buzzard Blue Band - Addicted to the Blues
056. Stoney Curtis Band - Soul Flower
057. Paul Black - Much 2 Much
058. Out Of Favor Boys - You're The One
059. John Weeks Band - You Never Say What You Mean
060. Mojo Monkeys - Beating Dead Horses
061. Mic Gillette Band - Unchain My Heart
062. Mark May - Ohio
063. Jeff Plankenhorn - Trouble Find Me
064. Innes Sibun - Obsession
065. Drew Sterchi - Peggy's Song
066. David Gogo - For You
067. Buddy Whittington - Minor Blues
068. Blues Company - My Littles Angel
069. Big Boy Bloater & The Limits - Evil Twist
070. Walter Trout and The Radicals - Faithful
071. Tony Rondini - Cloudy Haze
072. Tony Spinner - Ballad of T.S.
073. Paul Black - Fly
074. Mark May - Ganster Blues
075. Jukehouse Bombers - Winding Our Way Back Home
076. Jeff Jensen - Can't Believe We're Through (Live)
077. Big Monti Amundson - Plain As Day
078. Irish Coffee - I'm Alive
079. Gaslight Street - I'll Be Ok
080. Ice Cream Men - Sunrise
081. Dave Steffen Band - Fashing Town
082. Jeff Plankenhorn - Vagabond Moonlight
083. Taj Mahal - My Ancestors
084. Dustin Pittsley Band - For the Ones We Leave Behind
085. The Black Sorrows - Save Me
086. Oli Brown - Speechless
087. Nobby Reed Project - Common Ground
088. The Verve - Sonnet
089. Big Boy Bloater and The Limits - Ugly Way Of Thinking
090. Miller Anderson - John Sugrue
091. Scotty Bratcher - Missing You Again
092. Urban Love - From The Beginning
093. Gregor Hilden & Johnny Rogers Band - I Wonna get Into You
094. Pete Alderton - Something Smooth
095. Jeff Plankenhorn - Headstrong
096. Snowy White & The White Flames - Little Wing
097. Andres Roots - Silver Lining
098. Samantha Fish - Somebody's Always Trying
099. Eliza Neals - Misery
100. The Bob Lanza Blues Band - Go No Further
101. Jay Willie Blues Band - 21
102. The Kate Lush Band - Angel From Montgomery
103. Mark Selby - Trouble Wants
104. John Campbelljohn - Meet My Maker
105. John Blues Boyd - (Have You Ever Been To) Marvin Gardens
106. Irish Coffee - Guitars And Beer
107. The Black Tornado & Thorbjorn Risager - Train
108. Lead Belly - Shorty George
109. Y'Akoto - Don't Call
110. The Black Sorrows - The Gates Of Hell
111. The Goldstars - Devil Queen
112. Katie Kern - Nobody But My Man
113. Dirty Dave Osti - Bastard
114. Alex J. Anders - Somebody Else
115. George Thorogood - Down The Highway
116. Jeffrey Halford & The Healers - Sweet Annette
117. Big Boy Bloater and The Limits - Fumble Fisted Fool
118. Louis Mezzasoma - Your Eyes
119. Detroit Blues Band - Scandalous Behavior
120. Radiohead - Go To Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
121. Delbert Mcclinton & Self-Made Men - Neva
122. Peter Ward - It's On Me
123. Albert Castiglia - Woman Don't Lie
124. Scotty Bratcher - Livin For The Moment
125. Robben Ford - Help The Poor
126. Trevor Sewell - You Ain't What I'm Looking For
127. Walter Trout - The Sky Is Crying
128. Chet O Keefe - Because of You
129. Blues Beatles - Ticket To Ride
130. Marcus Malone - Shine A Light
131. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - Singing Brings Us Closer
132. Scott Ramminger - Give A Pencil To A Fish
133. Fred Chapellier - Let Me Be Your Loving Man
134. Imany - Nothing to Save
135. Laurence Jones - Give Me Your Time
136. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Dirty
137. Jeff Jensen - Ash and Bone (feat. Anne Harris)
138. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - n the Basement
139. Delbert Mcclinton & Glen Clark - More And More, Less And Less
140. Brad Stivers - Took Yourself Long Enough
141. Ice Cream Men - Born to Follow
142. Jimmy Dillon - Dangerous Man
143. Gina Sicilia - He Called Me Baby
144. Walter Trout and The Radicals - Doin' Just Fine
145. Karen Lovely - Under The Midnight Sun
146. Clark, Gary, Jr. - The Healing
147. Steve Fawcett - Shadows
148. The Black Sorrows - Roaring Town
149. John Lee Hooker - Cry Before I Go
150. Ana Popovic - You Got the Love

Скачать: Infatuation Blues (2017)


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