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Скачать Blues Variety (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 19 ноября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Blues Variety (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Blues Variety
Жанр: Blues, Rock Blues
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 110
Время звучания: 07 :38 :25
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Характерные блюзовые биты можно услышать в песнях Trevor Sewell, Laurence Jones , Samantha Fish. И в наше время блюз является ярким и горячо любимым. Именно поэтому на «Blues Variety» можно услышать все современные хиты, а так же классические мелодии начала зарождения блюза. Предупреждение: характерные окраски напевов и мотивов заставляют пристукивать ногой в такт и ритмично покачивать головой. Будьте к этому готовы!

001. Raphael Wressnig - Trying To Live My Life Without You
002. Blues Beatles - You Can't Do That
003. Holly Benton - Swag
004. RaeLynn - WildHorse
005. John Blues Boyd - I Am the Real Deal
006. Joh Wra - Heavy Vintschool Steampunk Shit
007. Laurence Jones - Hold Me Close
008. Albert Castiglia - Three Legged Dog
009. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - God Knows Everything
010. Andres Roots - Karlova Blues
011. Blues Beatles - Help
012. Trevor Sewell - Some Day
013. Ms. Jody - Every Woman For Herself
014. Jeffrey Halford & The Healers - Elvis Shot The Television
015. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Layin' It Down (In Beantown)
016. Brad Stivers - You're Just About To Lose Your Clown
017. Laurence Jones - Can't Go On Without You
018. Gina Sicilia - Damaging Me
019. Delbert Mcclinton & Self-Made Men - Doin' What You Do
020. Albert Castiglia - You Got Me To That Place
021. Ms. Jody - Every Woman For Herself
022. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - I Was Called
023. The Kate Lush Band - River Flow
024. Tony Tucker - Wait For The Night To Turn Blue
025. Peter Ward - Blues On My Shoulders
026. Trevor Sewell - Fade To Grey (Feat. Janis Ian)
027. Jim Skillman - Devil's Blues
028. Louis Mezzasoma - Journey of a Lonesome Lover
029. Rick Derringer - I'm Set On You
030. Scott Ramminger - Hoping That The Son Won't Shine
031. Tony Tucker - Wait For The Night To Turn Blue
032. Sy Klopps Blues Band - Pretty Women
033. Lead Belly - Death Letter Blues, Pt. I
034. Doc Fetzer - You're My Saviour
035. Katie Kern - Let Me Love You
036. Laurence Jones - What Would You Do
037. George Thorogood - No Expectations
038. Detroit Blues Band - Goin' Back To Memphis
039. Rick Derringer - I'm Set On You
040. Laurence Jones - Keep Me Up At Night
041. Glenn Kaiser - My Jesus Is All
042. Samantha Fish - Never Gonna Cry
043. City Blues Connection - This Angel
044. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - Mail, Mail, Mail
045. Walter Trout - She Steals My Heart Away
046. Larry McCray - Worried Down With The Blues
047. Sy Klopps Blues Band - Pretty Women
048. Scott Holt - Five Women
049. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Reason to Rhyme
050. Blues Beatles - Yellow Submarine
051. Mike "Mudfoot" McDonald - I Put A Spell On You
052. Carl Van Hal - Go To The Delta
053. Albert Cummings - Regular Man
054. Y'Akoto - Mother And Son
055. Imany - Silver Lining (Clap Your Hands)
056. Laurence Jones - What Would You Do
057. Clark, Gary, Jr. - Numb
058. Karen Lovely - The River's Wide
059. Big Blues & Boogie - A Lot Of Living
060. Albert Castiglia - Quit Your Bitching
061. Jason Marsh Band - Try
062. Greg Lefholz - Tore Down
063. Jimmy Dillon - Mighty
064. Robben Ford - Help The Poor
065. Little Boys Blue - Lights On
066. Fred Chapellier & Tom Principato - Don't Wanna Do It
067. James Solberg Band - Love Made A Fool Out Of Me
068. Taj Mahal - Desperate Lover
069. Ricardo Gerhard - Sexy Blues
070. Will Donato - Italia
071. Glenn Kaiser - My Jesus Is All
072. Daniel D Henley - Too Much Of A Bad Thing
073. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - I Shall Be Released
074. Larry McCray - Worried Down With The Blues
075. Benoit Blue Boy Et Les Nighthawks - Le Juge
076. Stivala Marika - I'd Rather Go Blind
077. Scott Holt - Five Women
078. Los Warn Lionel - True Face
079. Gentlemen Of Rock 'n' Roll - System Tracking
080. Mike "Mudfoot" McDonald - I Put A Spell On You
081. Jorg Swoboda - Zug Blues
082. Albert Cummings - Regular Man
083. Ill Twin - Charlies
084. Big Blues & Boogie - A Lot Of Living
085. Blackbox Zero - Crossroads
086. Jason Marsh Band - Try
087. Stefan N. - Grave Of The Unknown Man
088. Jimmy Dillon - Mighty
089. The Rockin Rats - Sie Sogt
090. Little Boys Blue - Lights On
091. Romy Politzki - Social Blues
092. James Solberg Band - Love Made A Fool Out Of Me
093. Lakitah - Small Escapes
094. Will Donato - Italia
095. Tumblin' Dice - Sometimes You Don't
096. Rawa Blues Band - Broken Mirror
097. Tony Cantisano - Hamblues
098. Ac G - Nasty Rumors
099. Ilaria Graziano - Folsom Prison Blues
100. Stefan M. Stadler - Night Is Rolling
101. The Driven One - Bury The Bone
102. Lurupean Dub Stars - The Blues Ain't Never Gonna Die
103. Slinky - You're A No Good Man
104. T-Bone Walker - Long Distance Blues (Bonus Track)
105. Willa - Love Looks Good on Me
106. Micah Bournes - I Don't Pay No Mind
107. 100 Watt Vipers - 4. AM
108. Jerimiah Marques And The Blue Aces - Shotgun Boogie
109. Johnny Nicholas - Moonlight Train
110. Scotty Bratcher - Ready For Rain

Скачать: Blues Variety (2017)


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