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Скачать Metall Division Vol. 01 (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 29 ноября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Metall Division Vol. 01 (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Metall Division Vol. 01
Жанр: Metall, Hard Metall, Heavy
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 200
Время звучания: 16 :26 :38
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Не хватает адреналина? Хочется «потяжелее»? Мечтаете крушить и устроить настоящий дестрой? Тогда композиции сборника «Metall Division Vol. 01» специально для вас. Они помогут поддержать нужный настрой, выпустить пар и насладиться мощными треками популярных исполнителей.

001. Esclavitud - How I Wish
002. Dark Sarah - Island in the Mist
003. Andy James - Made of Stone
004. Antichrist - Savage Mutilations
005. Horrified - Light's Dissolution
006. Red Moon Architect - Tormented
007. Death Or Glory - Death Without Glory
008. Danzig - Eyes Ripping Fire
009. Words Of Farewell - Gaia Demise
010. Decipher - Liquid Pain
011. From Eden To Exile - Modern Disdain
012. GrooVenoM - Stay Awesome!
013. Slow - Tenebres
014. Facade - Veil of Deceit
015. Loss - All Grows on Tears
016. Dawn of Memories - City of Lost Souls
017. Frostvang - I Afton
018. Integral - In (Earth)
019. Exit Eden - Incomplete
020. Ghost of Mary - Last Guardians
021. Worselder - Seeds of Rebellion
022. The Shadeless Emperor - Sullen Guard
023. DODSENGEL - Vaerens Korsvei
024. Thor - Beyond the Pain Barrier
025. Animals as Leaders - Cognitive Contortions
026. Dawn of Disease - Leprous Thoughts
027. Morfin - Slowly Dismembered
028. DEUS OTIOSUS - Stand your ground
029. Adagio - Subrahmanya
030. Mercury X - A Journey to Eternity
031. dEMOTIONAL - All That It Takes
032. Gothic - Demons
033. The Monolith Deathcult - Die Glocke
034. Interminable Corruptions - Inaudible Screams Of Suffering
035. Tengger Cavalry - Independence Day
036. Biogenesis - Inside the Beast
037. Dark Lunacy - King With no Throne
038. John Frum - Memory Palace
039. Lying Figures - Monologue of a sick brain
040. Enter the Soil - My Only Creation Is Gone
041. Dead Cross - Obedience School
042. Tombs - Old Wounds
043. Cromo - Pedal to the Metal
044. Iced Earth - Raven Wing
045. Gathering Darkness - The Light Wonґt Save You
046. Blue Dawn - The Perfect Me
047. Custard - The Pied Piper
048. Adrestia - The Sun of Rojava
049. Alestorm - To The End Of The World For Dogs
050. Osario - Ъltimo Recurso (feat. Gullermo Temo Romero)
051. Palantir - War of the Worlds
052. Ereb Altor - Av Blod Ar Jag Kommen
053. Rage - Assorted by Satan
054. Aporya - The Sad Tragedy (I'm Crushed Down)
055. In Vain - Frozen Wings
056. Tankard - Fooled By Your Guts
057. War-saw - Deprived Of Decency
058. Nyn - Dissimulating Apologia
059. Prong - Divide And Conquer
060. The Unity - Firesign
061. Mastercastle - Hot as Blood
062. Valor - In the Name of Valor
063. Infinitas - Labartu
064. Igorrr - Opus Brain
065. Sunless Sky - Stone Gods
066. Rogue Arsenal - The One's That Came Before
067. Entrails - The Soul Collector
068. Wind Rose - To Erebor
069. Spoil Engine - Weightless
070. Omens of Plague - From Beyond
071. Crystal Lake - Metro
072. Ursinne - The Chimes of Midnight
073. DragonForce - Astral Empire
074. Execration - Cephalic Transmissions
075. Dawn of Ashes - Guardians
076. Aether Realm - King of Cups (feat. Chris Bowes)
077. Pit Of Toxic Slime - Neighbourhood of Decay
078. Voyager - The Fragile Serene
079. Paradise Lost - The Longest Winter
080. Vallenfyre - An Apathetic Grave
081. Dream Evil - Creature Of The Night
082. Terrifier - Violent Reprisal
083. God Dethroned - Close to Victory
084. Hell's Crows - Fist of Steel
085. Jag Panzer - Foggy Dew
086. Isle of Avalon - Kingsword
087. Act of Defiance - Lullaby of Vengeance
088. Duskmourn - Mountains of Darkness
089. Krystalyan - Scream in Silence
090. Unbowed - Sign of Slaughter (feat. James Benson)
091. Malet Grace - Subconsciousness of Misery
092. Ravage - The Masque of Black Death
093. Figure Of Six - The Tightrope Walker
094. Power Crue - Unholy Seed of Man
095. Shadowlynx - We Are Legend
096. Noplies - Wind of Death
097. Incantation - Incorporeal Despair
098. PAGANIZER (Sweden) - The Insanity Never Stops
099. Dream Troll - A Fairy's Tale
100. Orden Ogan - Come With Me To The Other Side
101. Emyn Muil - Elenion Ancalima (feat. Hildr Valkyrie)
102. Wampyrinacht - Faust (Opera Der Satanpakts)
103. Soulspell - Horus's Eye
104. Thy Legion - Into Perdition
105. Moretotheshell - Like Sand in the Desert
106. GraVil - Locate The Traitor
107. Sacred Oath - Never and Forevermore
108. Mean Streak - Tear Down the Walls
109. Dead Head - The Awakening
110. Unleash the Archers - The Coward's Way
111. Clouds Official - You Went So Silent (acoustic)
112. Soijl - Alive In A Sea Of Dying Flowers
113. Carach Angren - In De Naam Van De Duivel
114. Fogalord - The Storm of Steel
115. The Lurking Fear - Upon Black Winds
116. Helker - Viviras para Intentarlo
117. Odium - Frozen World
118. Wizard - Wizard Until the End
119. Colonist - Englassed
120. Wintereve - Forever Bleeding Scars Part I
121. Trinity Site - Humanize Me
122. Dying Fetus - Ideological Subjugation
123. Royal Sin - My Merciless Sin
124. Unto the Wolves - Reverence
125. Northern Plague - Vainglory Altar
126. Cain's Dinasty - St. John 6.12
127. Ellende - Am Ende Stirbst Du Allein
128. Ancient Dome - Fifth Dimension
129. Tankard - Lock 'Em Up!
130. Amentia - Paranoia
131. ANA - Rebellion
132. Peroxwhy?gen - Silver Streets
133. Manilla Road - The Other Side
134. Aetheric - By Death Possessed
135. Drive Like Jehu - New Math
136. Hermo?r - Under frusen alv
137. Thunderwar - A Tale of Lust and Disgust
138. Dying - Chronicles of Insanity
139. Da Boanad - Dampfmaschin
140. To the Mountains - Doom in the Skies
141. Masterplan - Escalation 666
142. White Skull - Hope Has Wings
143. Arkaik - Lifting Amnesia
144. Destructor - Metal Till Death
145. Pictura Poesis - The Bockereyders
146. Abonation - The Great Rises of...
147. Kobra And The Lotus - Victim
148. In This Moment - Witching Hour
149. Shadowside - Stream Of Shame
150. Vescera - Troubled Man
151. Old Season - Words from Beyond...
152. Nevergreen - A holtak imaja
153. Stahlmann - Dein Gott
154. Scale the Summit - Dream12
155. Disharmonic Orchestra - Flambition
156. Valinor - For Tomorrow
157. Pentakill - Frozen Heart
158. Avatarium - Hurricanes and Halos
159. Goatwhore - Mankind Will Have No Mercy
160. Secret Sphere - Reliance
161. Demonshire - Silent Mind (Instrumental)
162. Divinity Compromised - The Fall of Aestoria
163. Soul Demise - The Glow of the Rich Man's Friend
164. SikTh - The Moon's Been Gone for Hours
165. Trail of Blood - Bloodstorm Reprise
166. Mason - Hellbent On Chaos
167. Perpetual Rage - Privilege
168. Naberus - The Fallen
169. Buried Realm - Unscrupulous
170. Pretty Maids - Heavens Little Devil
171. Cerebus - Living a Lie
172. Burning Point - Lost in Your Thoughts
173. Sarea - Monotone
174. Seven Kingdoms - Neverending
175. Exocrine - Proceed (Chapter III : Rebirth)
176. Air Raid - Raid Or Die
177. Narthraal - Symbols of Hate
178. Under Threat - The Prison Within
179. Signum Regis - Thunder And Rain
180. Karkaos - Tyrant
181. Below - We Are All Slaves
182. Accept - Worlds Colliding
183. Rhapsody Of Fire - Dargor, Shadowlord Of The Black Mountain
184. Immortal Synn - Novus Ordo Seclorum
185. Burning Witches - Creator Of Hell
186. The Ferrymen - Enter Your Dream
187. The Privateer - Gunpowder Magic : Gunpowder Magic
188. Harpyie - Jagdfieber
189. All Out War - Ingesting Vile
190. Ajattara - Machete
191. Arcanum - Nightride
192. GALDERIA - Pilgrim of Love
193. Ancient Spell - Psychonaut
194. Hate - Walk Through Fire : Walk Through Fire
195. Hell Rebel's - You Will Reap as You Sow
196. Sense Of Ember - Break These Chains
197. Dead Soul Communion - Chains of Division
198. Flynn Effect - Give In To Me
199. Hungry Touch - Gutter Crab
200. Taberah - Heal Me

Скачать: Metall Division Vol. 01 (2017)


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Metall, Hard Metall, Division, VA-Album
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