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Скачать World Of Color Madness: Psy Goa Trance (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 30 ноября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
World Of Color Madness: Psy Goa Trance (2017)

Категория: Mixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: World Of Color Madness: Psy Goa Trance
Жанр: Psy, Goa Trance, Electro
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 60
Время звучания: 07 :49 :11
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Откройте для себя изумительный мир транс музыки вместе с музыкальным сборником с говорящем о себе названии "World Of Color Madness: Psy Goa Trance". Где каждая мелодия звучит как превознесение Земле, Море Солнцу.

01. Shpongle - Remember The Future
02. Hippy Cat - Amsterdamn (Original Mix)
03. Christopher Lawrence - Unbroken (Sonic Species Remix)
04. Pleiadians - Alcyone (Morphic Resonance Rmx)
05. Pleiadians - Taygeta (Morphic Resonance Rmx II)
06. E-Mantra - Approaching Nibiru (2017 Version)
07. Ilai - Freak Roots
08. PsyBuddy - Puma Punku
09. Timelock & High Jacked - Beyond
10. Gus - Close But Far Away (Original Mix)
11. Mandragora - Don't Give Up (Original Mix)
12. Orpheus - Sleepy Land (Original Mix)
13. Ovnimoon & Spiritual Mode - Be Human
14. Pleiadians - Maia (Morphic Resonance Rmx)
15. K.i.M - Knark Kvart
16. Minimanimal - Red Light (Hippy Cat Remix)
17. Has! - Must Go Faster (Original Mix)
18. Hashshashin - Immolation
19. Knock Out - Cosmic Experience (Original Mix)
20. PerfecTone - Have a Rave
21. Bonavoyaga - Funk Sense (Original Mix)
22. Astrix - Coolio (Orpheus Remix)
23. Hippy Cat - Remember the 90s (Original Mix)
24. Crop Circles - Full Mental Jackpot
25. Indecent Noise - Zulu Magic (Original Mix)
26. Astro-D - Space Jam (feat. Pulsar)
27. Gus - The Only One (Original Mix)
28. Kundalini - Destination Threshold (Original Mix)
29. Dan - Frekuensiez (Original Mix)
30. Etnica - Phetalic Vibes (Morphic Resonance Rmx)
31. Ikerya Project - Serbiana Melodica (Original Mix)
32. Tranceway - Infinity Underground
33. Electit - Kill Me Again
34. Hippy Cat - President Evil (Original Mix)
35. Profound - This Is A Journey Into Sound (Original Mix)
36. Radical distortion - Cydelix - Induction
37. Lost in Translation - Lost In Translation (Original Mix)
38. No Comment - Horizon (Original Mix)
39. K.i.M & Occular & Pieman - The Crystal Healing Dildo
40. Walter - Disco (Minimanimal Remix)
41. Sequence - Ten (Original Mix)
42. Orpheus - Distorted (Christopher Lawrence Remix)
43. Changes - Atalanya (Original Mix)
44. Waveform - Assembly (Original Mix)
45. Triceradrops - Ronald Raygun (Original Mix)
46. Christopher Lawrence - Whatever You Dream (Mechanimal Remix)
47. Kessler - The Prestige (Original Mix)
48. Black Marvin - Superliminal Messages (Original Mix)
49. Serjan - ISON (Original Mix)
50. Orpheus - Lonely Place (Original Mix)
51. DSP - Awakening Kundalini (Original Mix)
52. Triceradrops - Sub Level (Original Mix)
53. Seven Ways - X-Life (Hopeku Remix)
54. Christopher Lawrence - Terminus (Original Mix)
55. Jano - Wave Rider (Triceradrops Remix)
56. Kessler - Jupiter (Original Mix)
57. John 00 Fleming - Beyond The Limit (Ital Remix)
58. Atacama - Lost Entity (Original Mix)
59. Orpheus - Tribal Warrior (Original Mix)
60. Superoxide - Vibed Mood (Original Mix)

Скачать: World Of Color Madness: Psy Goa Trance (2017)


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Теги к статье:

Psy, Goa Trance, Electro, VA-Album
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