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Скачать Cyberatonica: Ultimate Synthwave and Syntpop (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 2 декабря 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Cyberatonica: Ultimate Synthwave and Syntpop (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Cyberatonica: Ultimate Synthwave and Syntpop
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronic, VA-Album
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 110
Время звучания: 08 :25 :27
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
В альбоме присутствует вымысел наряду с реальными переживаниями в отношении содержания, а форма почерпнута из холодных истоков электронной музыки эпохи новой волны, но вписанной в современный контекст времени и места.

001. Danger mode - Meridian cruisin'
002. Uctumi - Happy Bourgeoisie
003. Oscillian - Ad Astra
004. Paladin - Excalibur
005. Scandroid - Neo-Tokyo (Dance With The Dead Remix)
006. Polytron - Floppy Disco
007. NightStop - Flesh
008. RetroSynther - Raising Hell
009. Nigel Stanford & Dallin Applebaum - Everything Changed
010. S.EXE - Hologram
011. Dreams Divide - Wise
012. FM Attack - Little Angel
013. Syntax - Lillium
014. Sonic Wanderer - Outer Space (Spaceboost Remix)
015. Mflex - Just a Fantasy
016. deZeption - Almost Had You
017. 24:7 - First Encounter
018. M.Zi - Sweet Zombie Killer (Remix)
019. Night Runner - Red Dawn
020. JohnnyM5 - Latin Dancer
021. The Cruxshadows - Singularities
022. Dynamaxx - Finale
023. Kebekelektrik - Mirage
024. Oblivion - Memories
025. Rare Facture - Spiritus Donum
026. Leif. N - Argonauts
027. Night Drive - Trapeze Artist Regrets
028. Gridscape - Turbocharger
029. Moskva-Kassiopeya - Le Voyage
030. Michael Oakley - Turn Back Time
031. Oneohtrix Point Never - Laser to Laser
032. Tom Crux - Venice Beach
033. ABOBO - Lilith
034. Pink Project - Amama
035. Argh - Homemade Wings
036. Rofo - Summer Love (Electrify Re-Edit)
037. Stilz - Voyager
038. Vector Seven - AT8
039. Beware Of The Humans - Blood Rage
040. TDH Driver - Lighting In The Night
041. mangadrive - Deadly Curves
042. Stilz - Holding onto Yesterday
043. Vanello - Meridian Disco
044. Sellorekt/LA Dreams - Into The Light
045. Wavestation - Water Warriors
046. Stilz - Into The Starscape
047. Xain - Space Diablo (Extended Diabolic Version)
048. Bonggita - Lost
049. Anachronist - One More, Swear To God
050. Tainsus - Orbital
051. woob - 79 Million Adversaries
052. Wojciech Golczewski - Magnetic storm
053. North Exit - Accelerate
054. Stars Crusaders - Gemini (Album Mix)
055. Son of Mars - Volcano Grounding
056. Bonggita - Ad Astra Per Aspera
057. Red Marker - DMC 12 Gauge
058. Jakuzi - Geriye Donemiyor
059. X-Marks The Pedwalk - Masterpiece
060. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love
061. Danger Mode - Sunset
062. TimeSlaves - Theme from J.A.R.V.I.S
063. Ultranoire - Technicolor Lies
064. Future City Records - JVNE - Dreamcatcher
065. Das Mortal - Midnight Rendez-Vous (Outro)
066. T.O.Y. - The Darkness & The Light
067. Garth Knight - War for Cybertron
068. Mark Ashley - Touch By Touch
069. AWITW - The Feel
070. LEVEL 2.0 - Heartbeat
071. Soulwax - Masterplanned
072. Stars Crusaders - Aeterna
073. Blume - Blackening (nTTx Remix)
074. Daily Planet - Here From My Room
075. Second Version - Just Leave Us Alone
076. NamNamBulu - Mind
077. TSTI - Naivete (feat. Jennifer Touch)
078. Nordika - No Perfection
079. Loewenhertz - Unsichtbar
080. Erasure - World Be Gone
081. Syrian - Dreaming
082. Omnimar - Out of My Life
083. Waiting For Words - Pictures Of You (Radio Edit)
084. Telekon - Shining Lights
085. The Anix - Sideways
086. Stars Crusaders - Once Again
087. KRISTINE - Summer Long Gone
088. Dance With The Dead - That House
089. Retouch - When Sirens Sing
090. Waiting For Words - Pictures Of You
091. Royal Visionaries - Synthetic Love (People Theatre
092. haloeffectofficial - White Flag (DRMOllE remix)
093. Optic - Black Skies
094. Versus - Freakwaves
095. Slave Republic - Godspeed
096. Spreading Point - Kuhle Eleganz
097. Night Drive - Rise and Fall
098. NightStop - The Cage
099. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - What Have We Done
100. Zynic - Say Just Words
101. Root4 - Drugs Are My Master
102. AWITW - Mirage
103. T.O.Y. - My Way to You
104. Alphaville - Mafia Island
105. Run Vaylor - Dangerous
106. mind.in.a.box - Icebox
107. Mr.Kitty - Malformed
108. Robots With Rayguns - Desire
109. 5TimesZero - Frozen
110. Pet Shop Boys - Where The Streets Have No Name

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Теги к статье:

Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronic, VA-Album
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