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Скачать Lights Of Eden Master: Tech Trance (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 3 декабря 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Lights Of Eden Master: Tech Trance (2017)

Категория: Compilation
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Lights Of Eden Master: Tech Trance
Жанр: Uplifting, Tech Trance, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 10 :25 :59
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Альбом Lights Of Eden Master — энергичный и смелый, заточенный под современного слушателя и и тех кто душой чуствует себя таковым. Жанровые эксперименты и новые инструменты — такого Вы раньше не слышали.

001. Tim Verkruissen & Bryan de Lacosta - Coastline
002. Chris Sundive - Alone (ReOrder Remix)
003. Nicola Maddaloni - Wind Talker
004. Etasonic - Farewell Forever (Intro Edit)
005. Chronosapien - Broken Souls (Radio Edit)
006. Kiyoi & Eky - Turn Back the Rain (Mark Van Gear Remix)
007. Dreamy - Among Them (Radio Cut)
008. Ryan Bentham - Infected (Original Mix)
009. 7 Baltic - Hidden Life (Radio Cut)
010. Elusive Sense - Samsara (Skylex Remix)
011. Puma Scorz - Amanita (Radio Cut)
012. Ikerya Project - Mysterious Forest (Original Mix)
013. Joe Schaeffer - Low Orbit (Radio Cut)
014. ReDrive & S5 - Empyrean (Radio Edit)
015. Nivaya & Pillow - White Pegasus
016. Second Element - The Way Out (Unbeat Remix)
017. Sergiu Teremtus - Missing You Nbb (Radio Cut)
018. 4 Seas - Ergaticus (Original Mix)
019. Boki & Met - South Boulevard (Radio Cut)
020. Soniq State - The Return (Lyes Uplifting Rework)
021. Bvibes - Down Force (Radio Cut)
022. Asteria - Whaaat (Original Mix)
023. Crusada - Static Movement (Radio Cut)
024. DJ Jhonny Vergel - Shepherd (Kiyoi & Eky Remix)
025. Rene Ablaze & Jam Da Bass - Rolling (Radio Edit)
026. Enfortro - We Came to Conquer
027. Facade & Digital Darkroom - Singapore Sling
028. Mike Rodas - Fortis Ut Mors (Original Mix)
029. Damian Wasse - Rise Of Nation (Radio Cut)
030. Abide - Start Again
031. Eddie Lung - Resting Sun (Radio Cut)
032. Nikolauss - Speedforce (Original Mix)
033. Myde - Lights Of Eden Master (Radio Cut)
034. Independent Art - Cyberion (Original Mix)
035. Rene Ablaze & Ian Buff feat. DJ T.H. - 10 Years
036. Karl Schaap - Shine (Neos Remix)
037. 7 Baltic & Ledo - New Heaven
038. InnerSync - Fairies From The Magic Forest (Original Mix)
039. Sam Slim - Break Your Spell (Radio Cut)
040. Precious Affliction - Use the Force
041. Alexander Piven - Miracula (Radio Cut)
042. Mike Adams - Nine Worlds (K&F Radio Edit)
043. Leenz - Never Forget (Radio Cut)
044. Sync Diversity & Karl Schaap - Game of Trance
045. Kaimo K - Memories (Radio Cut)
046. Anhydrite - Neon (Enfortro Remix)
047. Danny Legatto - Lovely November (Radio Cut)
048. Sergey Rubin - Aliya (Original Mix)
049. Fabio D'Elia - Bermuda (Radio Edit)
050. Dominik Walter & Giovannie De Sadeleer - Hope Remains
051. Emax - Someone To Love (Alexbeta's Perception Remix Edit)
052. Gregorio Costantino - Temperantia
053. Nijana - Your Own Way (Radio Edit)
054. Greg Dusten - Eov
055. Solar Activity vs. MIU - Insignia (Solar Activity Edit)
056. Alex Shevchenko - I Am Providence (Aevus & Enfortro Remix)
057. Saphirsky - Immortal Togetherness (Dream Mix)
058. Gabrielle Ag - Mr. Hyde (Zutt Muziker Remix)
059. Issam Boufhigua - Lemonade
060. Paul Miller - 10years
061. Paul Rigel - Dark Clouds (Original Mix)
062. Enfortro & Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov - Drowning Lights
063. Mark L - Terminator (Original Mix)
064. Highforcer - Flashlight
065. Paravon - Nibiru (Para X Mix)
066. Anthony S - Relentless (Unbeat Remix)
067. Sync Diversity, Magic Sense & Spins - Absolution
068. Karl Schaap - Tibet (Precious Affliction Remix)
069. Maratone - All It Takes (Dub Mix) (feat. Claire Willis)
070. Air Project & Stard Moon - Read My Heart (Original Mix)
071. DJ Jhonny Vergel - Heart's Desire
072. Eleven Elements - Singapore
073. Franco Landriel - Quimera (Original Mix)
074. Jeitam Osheen & Aziz Aouane - Rise Of An Empire
075. Mark van Gear - Arkham Knight (Energetic Mix)
076. MaxRevenge - Infinite (Original Mix)
077. Precious Affliction - Double Rainbow
078. Coremotion - Lost Island
079. Six Senses - Won't Let You Down (Original Mix)
080. TFTI - Trying to Get More
081. Xian - Biomechanical Overload (Original Mix)
082. Avar - My Garden (Karl Schaap Remix)
083. Tau-Rine - Darkness (Original Mix)
084. DJ Sakin - Brisbane (Club Mix)
085. Voices - Dance Of The Snowflakes (Original Mix)
086. Holbrook & SkyKeeper - The Way I Feel (Original Mix)
087. Karl Schaap - Tibet
088. Patrick Dreama & DJ Xquizit - Ultraviolet
089. D.B.J - Invasion (Original Mix)
090. TranzLift vs. Airyboy - Butterfly (Obi Remix)
091. D'nial - Tales of Poseidon (Original Mix)
092. Fredd Moz - Collision (Original Mix)
093. I5land - Sextans (Diego Morrill Mantiore Remix)
094. Kickstone - Man On Fire (Original Mix)
095. Fergie & Sadrian - Blow Out (Original Mix)
096. Ruslan Khatmullin - Ravings (Alejandro Calderon Remix)
097. Blacklisted - Open The Floodgates (Original Mix)
098. Hassan Jewel - Perception (Nivaya Remix)
099. Mogey - Temper Control (Original Mix)
100. Tundo - Sherbourne (Iversoon & Alex Daf Remix)

Скачать: Lights Of Eden Master: Tech Trance (2017)


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Теги к статье:

Uplifting, Tech Trance, Electronic, VA-Album
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