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Скачать Hard Rock Division Vol.03 (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 21 декабря 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Hard Rock Division Vol.03 (2017)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Performers
Название диска: Hard Rock Division Vol.03
Жанр: Hard Rock, Alterhative
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 130
Время звучания: 09 :03 :30
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Презентуем Вам очередной 3й сборник рок музыки под названием "Hard Rock Division Vol.03". Неповторимое звучание представленных композиций, собственный стиль исполнителей, широкий насыщенный саунд, которого музыканты добились благодаря своей усердной работе и безграничному таланту, с каждым днем завоёвывают сердца фанатов во всем мире.

001. Cheap Trick - Outro
002. Harman Frank - Roaring Thunder
003. Rainbow - Snake Charmer
004. Dream Evil - Blind Evil
005. Blood God - World of Blood Gods
006. Striker - Two Minutes To Midnight
007. Bonfire - Sweet Obsession
008. Eternal Of Sweden - Surroundded By Shadows
009. Black Top - Pay My Dues
010. Firewind - Land Of Eternity
011. Black Diamonds - Rock'n'roll Music
012. Deep Purple - First Sign Of Madness
013. Accept - Teutonic Terror
014. Riot - Showdown (Live)
015. Adrenaline Mob - Lords of Thunder
016. King Company - Coming Back To Life
017. Pistol Pete - Eugene Oregon
018. Brainstorm - Before The Dawn
019. Nitrogods - Where Have The Years Gone
020. Firewind - Wars Of Ages
021. Adrenaline Rush - Crash
022. Serious Black - You're Not Alone
023. Striker - Phoenix Lights
024. Narnia - Reaching For The Top
025. Chris Laney - I Dunno
026. Johnny Lima - Nowhere Left To Go
027. Mammothor - Tyrannicide
028. Crystal Ball - Powerflight
029. Symphonity - Bring Us The Light
030. Secret Sphere - The New Beginning
031. Crystal Ball - Silence Of The Night
032. I'LL BE DAMNED - Shopping with a Shotgun
033. Crazy Lixx - Shot With A Needie Of Love
034. Serious Black - This Machine Is Broken
035. John Mellencamp - Sad Clowns
036. Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper - Walking In The Shadows
037. Wolfpakk - I'm Onto You
038. Wicked Tone - Run Away
039. Evan - Far Beyoud The Sun
040. Three Lions - Sicilian Kiss
041. Abbygail - Rock N Roll Man
042. Daniel Trigger - Personal Asylum
043. Wednesday 13 - Lonesome Road to Hell
044. Celldweller - Awakening With You
045. Thunder - There's Always a Loser
046. Shadowman - Secrets and Lies
047. Through Fire - Jar Of Hearts
048. Sideburn - Got to Move On
049. Ensiferum - Unettomaan Aikaan
050. Radiation Romeos - Monstertraxx
051. Living Colour - Invisible
052. Harem Scarem - Indestructible
053. Styx - All Systems Stable
054. Sonic State Capital - Carry On
055. Leon Paul-Phillips - Straphanger
056. EZoo - Since You Been Gone
057. The Asif Outlaws - She'll Eat out Your Eyes
058. Spite - Self-Destruct
059. Furious zoo - I Forgive You All
060. Days Of Jupiter - Favorite Waste
061. Rhino Bucket - Falling Down the Stairs
062. Inglorious - Black Magic
063. Hell In The Club - Bite Of The Tongue
064. UFO - Too Rolling Stoned
065. Jupiter Falls - See You On The Other Side
066. Daxx & Roxane - Hard Rockin' Man
067. Hexx - Wrath of the Reaper
068. Crazy Lixx - Live Before I Die
069. Purpendicular - Trouble Man
070. Belphegor - Totenritual
071. Obey the Brave - The Distance
072. Four Trips Ahead - The Descent
073. Blackhorse - Slow Down Tom
074. Nickelback - Silent Majority
075. Nasty High - Rock 'N' Roll Highway
076. Royal Blood - Hole In Your Heart
077. The Cranberries - Free to Decide
078. Silverstein - Cut and Run
079. Sweet & Lynch - Bridge Of Broken Lies
080. Newman - Always Strangers
081. Quiet Riot - The Road
082. Wraith - Humanhater
083. Last Revelations - Hope
084. The Ghost Peppers - Hey Now
085. Saturn - Helmet Man
086. Pastor Brad - God's Good
087. Iconic Eye - All She Needed
088. Uriah Heep - Lady in Black
089. Torous - Shipped Away
090. Emerald - Sky of Solitude
091. Black Country Communion - Love Remains
092. Stass - Days of Cremation
093. Alice Cooper - Private Public Breakdown
094. Delta Shade - Call Me
095. Cain - Into Abyss
096. Harem Scarem - Bite The Bullet
097. Yasi Hofer - Eclipsed
098. Romero - Goodbye
099. Stormburst - Give Me
100. The Night Flight Orchestra - Domino
101. Earth Electric - Solar
102. Tower of Babel - Eternal Flames
103. Hellectrokuters - Dead Or Alive
104. Osukaru - Edge of Night
105. Kublai Khan - The Hammer
106. Chickenfoot - Soap On A Rope
107. Hush - She will be the one
108. Arf of Anarchy - No Surrender
109. Wylde Zeppelin - Going to California
110. Smash Hit Combo - Die and Retry
111. Pinnacle Point - Damage Is Done
112. Nova Rex - Bosoms & Beer
113. Ratchet Dolls - Blackout (Bad Situation)
114. At The Drive-In - Tilting At The Univendor
115. Snakecharmer - Are You Ready to Fly
116. Motion Device - Wide Awake
117. Bussard - Vorhang Auf
118. The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell
119. Avi Rosenfeld - Somebody Alone
120. Great White - Movin' On
121. Eskimo Callboy - MC Thunder
122. Athame - Kiss the Glass
123. Jasta - Parasitic
124. Art Nation - Maniac
125. Liv Sin - Hypocrite
126. Sonic eclipse - The narrow sea
127. Gut-Scrapers - Getting Through
128. Blackwater Conspiracy - Blackwater Swagger
129. SpiteFuel - On Burning Wings
130. Twin - Wasteland

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