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Скачать Good Times Roll (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 8 марта 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Good Times Roll (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Good Times Roll
Жанр: Rock and Roll, Rock
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 05 :13 :45
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Сборник "Good Times Roll" каждым треком заряжает слушателя положительными эмоциями, что делает его актуальным как при прослушивании сразу после утреннего побуждения, так и расслабляясь дома после утомительного рабочего дня. На сборнике присутствуют как динамичные, так и лирические композиции в стиле рок энд ролла.

001. Hornbuckle - Knife In Your Hand
002. Fatboy - Down At The Room
003. The Boo Devils - Tonight
004. Gaspard Royant - 7' Club
005. The Shakin' Cadillacs - Et The Good Times Rock Let Good Times Roll
006. Diablogato - Gasonline
007. The Jack O' Bones - Boney Jack
008. Buzz Campbell - Crazy When She Drinks
009. The Gas House Gorillas - Find A Little Boogie
010. Michael Bolton - Old Time Rock & Roll
011. At The Hop - Blue Jean Bop
012. Alice Jayne - Crazy
013. Sara Lee - Voodoo Voodoo
014. Chilli & The Baracudas - You're A Liar
015. The Baseballs - ...Baby One More Time
016. Danny B. Harvey & Annie Marie Lewis - Hot Rod Girl
017. Ruby Dee & The Snakehandlers - Put You Down
018. JD McPherson - JubIlee
019. King Drapes - Ford Freak Rock
020. Lane Mack - Bad Bad World
021. The Bawdies - Dancing Shoes
022. TT Grace - Drip Drop
023. Rev. Tom Frost - Love, Love Alone
024. Darrel Higham - Hell's hotel
025. The Hill Valley - Every Moment
026. Cherry Divine - Queen Of Rockabilly
027. Sandy And The Wild Wombats - Play It Cool
028. A.J. & The Rockin' Trio - Let's Howl At The Moon
029. The Satellites - Hot Rockin' Night
030. Alice Jayne - Poor Black Mattie
031. The Midways - Lady In The Yellow Dress
032. Clementino - Svalutation
033. The Margraves - Black Widow
034. Jack Rabbit Slim - Next Time
035. The Incorruptibles - Nothin' But The Blues
036. At the Hop - Blue Suede Shoes
037. Fatboy - Summertime Bop
038. The Muddy Hack - You Ain't Rock 'n' Roll
039. Joakim Tinderholt & His Band - What About Love
040. The Hoodoo Tones - Northern Style
041. The Baseballs - Candy Shop
042. Darrel Higham - The blues Is The Blues
043. Devil Dog Road - My Guitar (feat. Matti Kettunen)
044. The Mudcats - Good Rocki Tonigh
045. Nick's Airlines - My Horse Loves the Swing
046. Jack Rabbit Slim - Colour Me Lucky
047. The Beat From Palookaville - Castin' My Spell
048. Zerokoma - Nadie Me Enseсу A Bailar
049. Cherry Divine - Crazy
050. Sandy And The Wild Wombats - I Gotta Move
051. Igor & The Red Elvises - My Baby Likes To Party
052. Ivory Joe Hunter - That's Why
053. The Mudcats - Told You Before
054. LaVern Baker - Play It Fair
055. At The Hop - Old Time Rock 'N' Roll Medley
056. Cowbell - Haunted Heart
057. Ray Charles - A Fool For You
058. The Woggles - Luminol Test
059. Joe Turner - Boogie Woogie Country Girl (Mono)
060. TT Grace - Ding Dong Love Song
061. Sara Lee - Queen Of Your Heart
062. The Hoodoo Tones - Hoodoo Rock
063. Clyde McPhatter - I'm Not Worthy Of You
064. Big Boy Bloater - Bring Her Back To Me
065. Nick's Airlines - Chili & Tequila
066. Ruth Brown - Wild Wild Young Men
067. Beth Lee & The Breakups - Only a Dream
068. Kitty, Daisy & Lewis - The Game Is On
069. Chilli & The Baracudas - One More Day
070. Eddy & The Backfires - Lonesome Rider
071. The Shadows - Theme (From "The Boys")
072. Little Richard - Long Tall Sally (Remastered)
073. The Koffin Kats - Chaos
074. Mad Heads - Любов
075. The Zombies - Time of the Season
076. Roy Orbison - I Like Love
077. The Varsity Club - Catalina Wine Mixer
078. Bill Haley & The Comets - Rock Around the Clock
079. Monkey Knife Fight - Blood Letter
080. Chris Isaak - Great Balls Of Fire
081. Alan Vega - Ghost Rider
082. Dirty Penny - Midnight Ride
083. The Hillbilly Moon Explosion - The Long Way Down
084. A Shadow of Jaguar - Praise
085. Bangups - Va Va Voom
086. A Nyughatatlan - God's Gonna Cut You Down
087. The Trashmen - Miserlou
088. The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice
089. Rival Sons - Hollow Bones, Pt. 2
090. Link Wray - Big City After Dark
091. Bill Haley - Rock Around the Clock
092. Royal Republic - Follow The Sun
093. Dean Martin - That's Amore (Original Mix)
094. Tijuana Panthers - Don't Shoot Your Guns
095. The Dueling Fiddlers - Farewell & Good Riddance
096. Tommy Lee - Hello, Again
097. Brian Shaw - At the Hop
098. Red Elvises - Running Away
099. Jimi Hendrix - Little Ivey
100. Chuck Berry - Little Queenie

Скачать: Good Times Roll (2018)


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Rock and Roll, Rock, VA-Album
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