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Скачать Rock Blues And Thousands Of Colors (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 24 марта 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Rock Blues And Thousands Of Colors (2018)

Категория: Compilated
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Rock Blues And Thousands Of Colors
Жанр: Rock Blues, Rock and Roll
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 110
Время звучания: 07 :42 :37
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Рок блюз никогда не старался быть абстрактным, загадочным или непонятным, он всегда вполне был доступным и легко воспринимается всеми без исключения. А густой и тёплый тембр Laurence Jones, который Вы услышите на девятой дорожке, невозможно забыть, в этом признается каждый, кто хоть раз слышал голос этого удивительного исполнителя.

001. Brad Stivers - 2,000 Miles
002. Barry Goudreau's Engine Room - Need
003. Jeffrey Halford & The Healers - Two Jacksons
004. Rosedale - Man, I Don't Want You Around
005. Patrik Jansson Band - So Far to Go
006. Mezcaleros Blues Band - Blues Decadencia
007. Kev Spencer - Mr. Witchdoctor
008. Temporary Roads - True
009. Laurence Jones - The Truth
010. Y'Akoto - Forget
011. Lew Jetton & 61 South - Don't Need No Devil
012. Omar & The Howlers - Meaning Of The Blues
013. Paradise Kings - Butter Me Up
014. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - How Low Can You Go
015. Jean Paul Rena - Hurricane
016. Jade Bennett - Fool In Love
017. Jane Lee Hooker - Turn on Your Love Light
018. Justin Johnson - Ghost Riders In The Sky
019. Pam Taylor - Witch's Ball
020. Gary Moore - Picture Of The Moon
021. The big blue house - Binne my
022. Subluna - Free Ride
023. Guy Verlinde And The Houserockers - I've Been Waitin'
024. Dan Patlansky - Junket Man
025. Kev Spencer - Sunday Stomp!
026. Vince Vallicelli Band - Night Train
027. Blues Beatles - Yesterday
028. Dudley Taft - Don't Let It Fade
029. Mezcaleros Blues Band - El Placer De Pecar
030. Shaw Davis & the Black Ties - Folsom Prison Blues
031. The Enzymes - Orchard Lane
032. Wille and the Bandits - Our World
033. Vargas Blues Band - Plegaria Para Un Niсo Dormido
034. Elles Bailey - Shake It Off
035. Trish Kerr - Take a Little Bite
036. The Static Shift - Last Night
037. Dave Fields - Better Be Good
038. Omar & The Howlers - Big Chief Pontiac
039. Lew Jetton & 61 South - Christ Have Mercy
040. Jan James - Everybody Wants To Be Loved
041. George Thorogood - Tallahassee Women
042. The Buzzhounds - Give To Live
043. Supersonic Blues Machine - Hard Times
044. Jane Lee Hooker - How Bright the Moon
045. Rocky Athas - Looking Back
046. Pam Taylor - Make You Mine
047. Val Starr & The Blues Rocket - Out With The Old
048. Downchild Blues Band - Something I've Done
049. 60,000,000 Buffalo - American Money Blues
050. The Dirty Mojo Blues Band - Broken Strangs
051. Deltaphonic - By Your Side
052. Laurence Jones - Can't Go On Without You
053. Gina Sicilia - He Called Me Baby
054. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Louisiana Rain
055. Depravity Brothers - The Hell We Deserve
056. Dirty Dave Osti - Walking Dead
057. Jean Paul Rena - Worrying Kind
058. Jessy Martens and Band - Hush Now
059. Per Frost - The Calling
060. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - I Kept on Walking
061. Janiva Magness - If I Can't Have You
062. Nina Van Horn - Mississpi Goddam
063. Chris Cain - My Baby Wants To Leave Me
064. Little G. Weevil - See Me In The Country
065. Van Morrison - The Party's Over
066. Carl Verheyen - Stealing Gasoline
067. Imany - I Long for You
068. Blindstone - Land Of 1000 Nights
069. Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Lullaby Of The Leaves
070. Blindstone - Me and My Woman
071. Blindstone - On My Way
072. Karen Lovely - Waking Up The Dead
073. Peter Karp - Treat Me Right
074. Black Stone Cherry - Born Under A Bad Sign
075. The Miltones - Dancing with the Dead
076. Carolyn Gaines - Hoochie Coochie Woman
077. Aaron Keylock - Just One Question
078. Lilly Martin - Love Gets In The Way
079. Marty Ray Project - Outlaw
080. Beth Garner - Ramblin Man
081. Taj Mahal - Statesboro Blues
082. Headline Blues Band - That Sweet Woman Of Mine
083. The Swagger Kings - Trans Am Firebird Pontiac
084. DUKE ROBILLARD - Blues In My Heart
085. Little Axe - Next Week Thursday
086. Ghalia & Mama's Boys - Addiction
087. Lead Belly - Death Letter Blues, Pt. II
088. Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings - Down In The Bottom
089. Christ Ruest & Gene Taylor - Keep Talking
090. Adi Barar Band - Mama Don't
091. John McNamara - One Possible Night
092. Big Wolf Band - Rolling With Thunder
093. Ali McGuirk - What Have We Done
094. Scott Ramminger - Winter Is Always Worse
095. Geoff Achison - Another Mile, Another Minute
096. James Armstrong - How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You
097. Ruthie Foster - Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever
098. Southern Avenue - No Time To Lose
099. Peter Ward - Southpaw
100. Trevor Sewell - Stand Next To Him
101. Willie May - Underneath The Trees
102. Janiva Magness - What I Could Do
103. Rev. Sekou* - When The Spirit Says Move
104. Albert Castiglia - Delilah
105. Oscar Benton - Blue Blues Singer Remake
106. Stephanie Lottermoser - Reflection song
107. Detroit Blues Band - Treat Me Right
108. Dutch's Basement Blues Band - Satchmo Scat
109. Katie Kern - Talkin?bout My Baby
110. Walter Trout - Blues For Jimmy

Скачать: Rock Blues And Thousands Of Colors (2018)


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Rock Blues, Rock and Roll, VA-Album
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