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Скачать Andromeda: Glamtronica Remix (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 12 мая 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Andromeda: Glamtronica Remix (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Andromeda: Glamtronica Remix
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronica
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 140
Время звучания: 10 :21 :52
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Andromeda: Glamtronica Remix - это новаторский подход к синтипоп-музыке со своей неповторимой подачей, включающий в себя глубокий, порой академический вокал, виртуозную работу с различными музыкальными жанрами и превосходные мелодии, которые сразу врезаются в память.

001. LEVEL 2.0 - Off The Radar
002. Fake The Envy - These Are The Fools
003. Sellorekt/LA Dreams - A Dystopian Fixation
004. Night Drive - Hyperion
005. Son of Mars - Scratching the Surface
006. September 87 - Ride All Night
007. Royal Visionaries - Metropolis Von Berlin (Storybo
008. Deroute - Hvor Fanden Bliver Det Af
009. 2DCAT - Of The Night
010. Vector Seven - Andromeda
011. 24:7 - Dawn Horizon
012. 5TimesZero - Don't Push Me
013. Retouch - Dystopia
014. Night Drive - Trapeze Artist Regrets
015. Waiting For Words - In Between Days
016. Portland - Without Me There Is No You
017. Spreading Point - Catch The Moment
018. NightStop - Erotic Encounter
019. TSTI - Sincerity
020. Spaceinvader - Night Lights
021. Mr.Kitty - Forget
022. Softwave - Everything Change (ManMindMachine Cover)
023. Midnight Danger - He Won't Come Back
024. Beware Of The Humans - Hypnosis (Feat. Jared Kyle)
025. T.O.Y. - Pixy Snow
026. The New Division - Saturday Night
027. Scandroid - Destination Unknown (Instrumental)
028. AEX - Columbine
029. Night Runner - City Lights
030. Fury Weekend - Lonely Night
031. Glome - Black orchid
032. Michael Oakley - Here Comes The Night
033. Slave Republic - Something Inside You
034. Stilz - Still Night (Feat. Crockett)
035. Dance With The Dead - The Man Who Made a Monster
036. Hypercan - Addolorata
037. Daniel Deluxe - Instruments of Retribution
038. Am Tierpark - I Can't Stop
039. Future Lied To Us - Surrender And Pain
040. Omnimar - 40 Steps
041. Meteor - Abduction
042. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - As We Open, So We Close
043. Back To 84 - Tears In The Night
044. Ocean Jet - Dead Black Heart
045. Daily Planet - Vicious Circle
046. KRISTINE - Wild Heart
047. Future Lied To Us - Suffocate
048. State Of Mind - Never Understood
049. Sector One - Can Machines Be Sad
050. Neon Black - Glam & Witchcraft
051. Highway Superstar feat. Dana Jean Phoenix - Night In The City
052. Tom Crux - Memories
053. Stilz - Outland
054. The Anix - Sleep
055. Mark Ashley - Tango In The Night
056. Talk Talk - Why Is It So Hard
057. Compilerbau - Monolith
058. Pet Shop Boys - Jealousy (Extended Version)
059. Techne - Blind Me
060. Android Automatic - Electric Nights
061. Ultraboss - Headgame Romance (feat. Jerry Galeries)
062. Telekon - King Of Nothing
063. Root4 - Komm In Mein Versteck
064. mangadrive - Lich Magnet
065. Syrian - Son Of The Sky
066. 24:7 - Turning Point
067. Zynic - Distance
068. Navy Bruise - Stupid Stupid
069. Night Runner - Contacto Mortal
070. Bonggita - Deep Eyes
071. Optic - Follow You
072. Robots With Rayguns - Illuminate (feat. Destenee)
073. Red Marker - Last Stand
074. Wojciech Golczewski - Setting up
075. mind.in.a.box - The Time Has Come
076. Timecop 1983 - Summer Nights
077. woob - Run Complete 6581
078. Alphaville - Nevermore
079. Erasure - Just A Little Love
080. Private Pact - Purity
081. Run Vaylor - Blinded By The Light
082. Gridscape - Hush
083. Ultranoire - Introsphere
084. Rare Facture - Light Starts Dark Forms
085. Anachronist - Somnolence
086. Stars Crusaders - Sick Bakkus
087. Water And Bridges - Night Patrol
088. Soulwax - Here Come the Men in Suits
089. Neonsol - Forever (Leaether Strip Remix)
090. The Encounter - Nightfall (Holly's Theme)
091. Modern Boys - Crocodile
092. Dynatron - A Beacon from Home
093. Loewenhertz - Close your eyes (Bonus Track)
094. Glass Apple Bonzai - Night Maze
095. The Cruxshadows - In Gardens
096. Versus - Sorry (feat. Syntec)
097. AWITW - World at war
098. Disrupted Being - Ghost
099. Second Version - Baggy Trousers
100. Johnny Ola - Nighthawk
101. Vaylon - Visitor
102. VHS Dreams - Nightdrive (Club Mix)
103. Scotch - Discolation
104. Krimik - Frame Of Love
105. Future City Records - Fla?vio La Barre - Brent Walker
106. Human League - Release
107. Ultraboss feat. Master System - All I Need ToNight
108. Dezeption - Almost Had You (deZeptive Dance RMX)
109. Danger Mode - Burning Rubber
110. Midnight Danger - Sleepless Nights
111. A Space Love Adventure - Nightcall (Kavinsky Cover)
112. 1982 - Fighting For The Night
113. The Northern Lights - Night Swim
114. Jon Mercer - Night Flight
115. Timecop1983 - L.A. Nights
116. LeBrock - One Night
117. Ultraboss feat. Rulmyno - OverNight Oath
118. D.A.D - Backbone Of The Night
119. Abstract Void - The Night Wanderer
120. Tokyo Rider - We Own The Night
121. Egoprisme - Back From An Endless Night
122. Jordan F - Nightwave
123. Cody Carpenter & Dana Jean Phoenix - Kissed By The Night
124. Keep Shelly In Athens feat. The New Division - Night Escape
125. Wolftron - Nightmare Of Despair
126. Jerry Galeries feat. Tokyo Rider - In For A Long Night
127. Stilz feat. Crockett - Still Night
128. Neon Black - They Mostly Come At Night... Mostly
129. Ron Cannon - City Night Lights
130. Protector 101 - The Night He Rose From The Ashes
131. NeodroneX - Night Train
132. Back To 84 - Sleepless Nights
133. Timecop1983 - Lonely Nights
134. OMEGA Danzer - Nights Into Dreams
135. The Midnight - Nighthawks (Lifelike Remix)
136. XPARADOX - Another Night
137. Android Automatic - Saturday Night In The City
138. Neon Black - MidNight
139. Psybolord - Night Streets
140. Robert Parker feat. Doubleboy - End Of The Night

Скачать: Andromeda: Glamtronica Remix (2018)


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Теги к статье:

Synthpop, Synthwave, Electronica, VA-Album
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