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Скачать JixiPix Photo Formation 1.0.5 ENG

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 20 мая 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
JixiPix Photo Formation 1.0.5 ENG

JixiPix Photo Formation - это фотоэффект, который автоматически преобразует изображения в супер-творческие бумажные формации, а затем использует 3D-движок для создания ультра-прохладных теней. Используйте его, чтобы фрагментировать, объединять, переплетать, нарезать и сбрасывать фотографии в увлекательные привлекательные фигуры со всеми тонкими сгибами, кудрями и изгибами, как будто кропотливо собранные вручную.

Photo Formation comes with a library of one-touch presets to get you started fast, and a randomize button that automatically renders a variety of paper creations over and over until you get something catered to you. Moving, rotating and scaling tools can then be used to customize each composition—the sky is the limit to what can be done!

We make it easy to use without taking control away from you, the artist. If you are the hands on type who likes to make stuff from scratch, an Auto Generate button gets you in the creative mode by starting the initial paper effect for you then presents a control panel so you can make it exactly the way you like. It’s not as much work as it sounds, just specify how many strips, tiles or folds; how much curl, crinkle or depth; and if you want exposure, opacity, texture and grain. An apply button renders the creation to the document where you finish it off by moving around paper elements (only if you want), and adding optional photo settings.

What sets Photo Formation apart from others is it’s powerful lighting system. Oriented in a 2D space, Photo Formation renders true 3D popping folds and creases along with all their perspective distortions that cast realistic shadows for an amazing high-end result! The lighting is fully adjustable and by simply moving it around the document you can change the direction of the shadows. You can also set up multiple light sources by duplicating the light to create fantastic double and triple shadows—how many is up to you!

Photo Formation comes as a standard application or blend it into your workflow with an included plugin for: Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom, PaintShop Pro and Affinity Photo

Photo Weave
Photo Weave divides your image into columns and rows then interlocks them to form a realistic basket weave. Weave multiple photos by selecting strips and import a second image for a clever weave. All strips can be rotated, moved and deleted. Use the cool flip tool to send the strips under and over each other.

INCLUDES 8 Creative Paper Styles
• Photo Weave renders one or multiple photos into a basket weave
• Panographic turns a photo into a patchwork art of multiple photos
• Photo Slice uses a line tool to slice or rip photos
• Photo Strips auto-slices a photo into strips and conforms them into shapes
• Fold Defy auto-folds a photo with 3D perspective to give it lift
• Rip uses a lasso tool to tear the corners off an image and rip holes anywhere on your photo

Photoshop Plugin
Each products includes a Plugin for use with Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom and PaintShop Pro. Supports actions, transparency, blending, last filter command, batch processing and 16bit RGB/Greyscale modes.

• Adobe Photoshop CS3+, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, Photoshop Elements 10+ and Lightroom 4+

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 7/10/8/8.1/Vista
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: Crack UZ1
Размер файла: 136.00 MB

Скачать JixiPix Photo Formation 1.0.5 ENG


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