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Скачать Synthetic Prototype (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 20 мая 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Synthetic Prototype (2018)

Категория: Compilated
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Synthetic Prototype
Жанр: Synthpop, Synthwave
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 120
Время звучания: 08 :19 :46
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Современную синтетическую популярную музыку от зарубежных исполнителей уже язык не поворачивается назвать просто попсой. Новые технологии, свежие идеи и многолетний опыт позволяет восходящим звездам и знаменитостям создавать настоящую музыку для всех меломанов, даже с самыми специфичными вкусами.

001. Erasure - Love You To The Sky
002. Ships In The Night - Myriologues
003. Run Vaylor - Disco Cross
004. Retouch - Earthquake
005. Loewenhertz - Irgendwann
006. Matt Pop - Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More
007. TSTI - Things I Would Do
008. Soldout - Call Me Out
009. Roxi Drive & Neon Black - Behind The Mask
010. Dance With The Dead - Banshee
011. Root4 - Come To The Other Side
012. Omnimar - I Go On on My Own
013. Italoconnection - Night City
014. The Anix - Nevermind
015. AWITW - Night shift
016. Telekon - Promise Of Radio
017. Stars Crusaders - The Great Exodus
018. Spreading Point - The Blitz Kids
019. Optic - Walk with Me
020. Mr.Kitty - Habits (feat. PASTEL GHOST)
021. The Van Dammage - Two Sides
022. Ocean Jet - Cold
023. Slave Republic - Deathless Dream
024. Johan Baeckstrom - Cry Softly (Time Is Mourning)
025. From Apes To Angels - New Skin
026. Future Lied To Us - Fed By Anger
027. Robots With Rayguns - Dreaming of You
028. Rational Youth - Flash In The Night
029. Daily Planet - Set Me Free
030. Halo Effect - White Flag (Liquid Divine remix)
031. Suffering For Kisses - Lullaby
032. Mandi Mae - Virus (feat. Straplocked)
033. Night Drive - Arboria
034. Glas - Bring Heaven Down
035. Ultraboss - Lord of the Deep (feat. Tokyo Rose)
036. Neon Black - Moonlight Drive
037. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Precision & Decay
038. 2DCAT - Slow Down (feat. Tamara)
039. NightStop - Ghoul
040. Jesper Jelse - Don't You Know, Don't You Know
041. Dynatron - Out There
042. T.O.Y. - The Darkness & The Light
043. Astral Tales - Before Your Eyes
044. Evan - Oh Susie
045. Syrian - Ninja Warrior
046. Miles Prower - Glass Futures (
047. Electric City Cowboys - The Way You Are
048. mind.in.a.box - Glory Days
049. Eloquent - Nothing But Trouble
050. Palais Ideal - A Black Noise (Extended Version)
051. Sector One - The Communications Satellite
052. Ships In The Night - Dark Places
053. Kirlian Camera - Eyes Of The Moon
054. KRISTINE - Heroes
055. Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It
056. Octolab - Fire Into Ice
057. Hante. - Living In A French Movie
058. Mirko Hirsch - Feel You Near Me
059. The Colder Sea - Young Love
060. 047 - LA Goodbye
061. Second Version - '74-75'
062. 5TimesZero - Higher Smile
063. Waiting For Words - This Is A Lie
064. Alphaville - Heartbreak City
065. Megan McDuffee - Hostile Takeover
066. Parralox - The Dancer (Version)
067. Human League - Reflections
068. NINA - Beyond Memory
069. Eurotix - Broken Hearts
070. Versus - Welle Sieben
071. Moonraccoon - Showdown
072. Martha Frans - Walking
073. Erasure - Carry On Clangers
074. Night Vision - Heartbreaker
075. Cliff Wedge - 10 O'clock Postman
076. Diamond Field - Neon Summer
077. Pet Shop Boys - One More Chance
078. Stockholm Nightlife - Where The Wind Blows
079. Daria Danatelli - Marion
080. Stormby - I'm So, I'm So, I'm So
081. Powder Slut - The Right Ride
082. Modiga Agenter - Oh Susie (Bara vi tva vet)
083. Night Vision - Runaway (feat. Dave Maverick)
084. Parralox - Flash In The Night
085. The Nite - The Nite
086. The Real Parakeet - Aux Deux Magots
087. Mark Ashley - Vienna By Night
088. The TCR - You Get Me High (feat. Oceanside85)
089. Leaderboard - Dancing In Madness
090. Hamerzya - Surfin' The Electric Sky
091. Finkseye - When The Night Closes In
092. Future Holotape - Proxy
093. Mr Doonut - How I Want You
094. Femmepop - Bled For You
095. Jimmy Fang - It's Not Over
096. Parallels - The Last Man
097. Evan - Oh Susie (Stormby Mix Edit)
098. Vast Hill - Apollo
099. Stockholm Nightlife - Where The Wind Blows
100. Palisded - Summer Dreams
101. Italoconnection - Night City (12" Instrumental)
102. Love Impasse - Distant
103. LGHTNNG - Hold On To Let Go
104. The Northern Lights - Get Physical
105. Femmepop & Chronica - The Game
106. Nightlights - Purple Sky
107. Miles Prower - Level Up (feat. Morissa)
108. Absinth3 - Long Island (feat. Kaye Kiernan)
109. Roxi Drive - Stay With Me
110. LANights - Don't Stop
111. Mandi Mae - Wav Rider
112. Roxi Drive - Human
113. Don Dellpiero - Here With You
114. Radio Wolf - Runaway Girl (feat. Parallels)
115. The Alphabet Zero - Friends Don't Lie
116. JJ Mist - Battle Of Love (I Surrender)
117. Dimi Kaye - Daylight (feat. Oceanside85)
118. Nightlights - Fade To Purple
119. 2DCAT - Believe
120. Box and the twins - Pale Blue Dot

Скачать: Synthetic Prototype (2018)


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Теги к статье:

synthwave, synthpop, compilation, VA, electronic
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