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Скачать Oriental Blues Vol.02 (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 27 мая 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Oriental Blues Vol.02 (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Oriental Blues Vol.02
Жанр: Blues, Soul
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 110
Время звучания: 07 :40 :44
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Изысканные блюзовые композиции нового второго сборника "Oriental Blues", погружают в мир комфорта и утончённого восприятия музыки. Аристократизм сквозит из каждой мелодии, даря слушателям ощущение эстетического наслаждения от их прослушивания.

001. Greyhounds - Check The Gas
002. Ruth Brown - Takin' Care Of Business
003. Betty Lavette - Here I Am (Single Version)
004. Janiva Magness - On And On
005. Willie May - Haunted House
006. Headline Blues Band - Have A Real Good Time
007. Ali McGuirk - I Can't
008. Jay Sewall - Reelin' And Rockin'
009. Rev. Sekou* - In Times Like These
010. Trevor Sewell - Mountain Of Gold
011. Jessy Martens and Band - Pack Of Lies
012. Jessy Martens and Band - By Your Side
013. Taj Mahal - Lovin' In My Baby's Eyes
014. Louise Hoffsten - When It Rains It Really Pours
015. Marcus Cliffe - Intake express
016. Kathy Boye & The DTG Gang - 03. No More Baby
017. Ray Cashman - Where The Blues Was Born
018. Lilly Martin - Slow Like Honey
019. Marty Ray Project - Superhero
020. Geoff Achison - Working My Way Back Home
021. Ben Harper, Ben Harper - The Bottle Wins Again
022. DUKE ROBILLARD - Squeeze Me
023. Aretha Franklin - Today I Sing The Blues
024. Reloaded - Devil's kiss
025. The Swagger Kings - Hey Ma (Just Look At Me Now)
026. Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Lullaby Of The Leaves
027. Otis Taylor - Tripping On This
028. Chris Cain - Tell Tale Signs
029. Freddie Nystrom Band - Nio och en halv dag
030. Freddie Nystrom Band - Tittut
031. Matt Storch & The Usual Suspects - How Long Was I Out
032. Jay Sewall - I'm A Man
033. Little Axe - Factory Girl
034. Jeffrey Halford & The Healers - 10,000 Miles
035. Lavern Baker - Sugar Daddy Blues
036. Ike & Tina Turner - Aint Nobody's Business
037. Jessica Andrews - You Go First (Do You Wanna Kiss)
038. Justin Johnson - Crankin’ It Up
039. Bette Midler - Empty Bed Blues
040. Carolyn Gaines - I Want Your Money, Honey
041. Main Street Blues - Cold Cold Bed
042. Carl Verheyen - Stardust Blues
043. Sunny Sweeney - Better Bad Idea
044. Bettye LaVette - The Times They Are A-Changin'
045. Black Pistol Fire - Blue Blazes
046. Delaney & Bonnie & Friends - Dirty Old Man
047. Ghalia & Mama's Boys - I'm Shakin'
048. Stephanie Lottermoser - Lullabye
049. Ruthie Foster - Abraham
050. Carla Thomas - Red Rooster
051. Don Williams - Learn To Let It Go
052. Little G. Weevil - I Don't Want To Feel The Rain
053. Christ Ruest & Gene Taylor - Life Is Like A Lightning
054. Karen Lovely - Next Time
055. James Armstrong - Sleeping With A Stranger
056. Gina Sicilia - Tell Him
057. John McNamara - You Wouldn't Wanna Know
058. Oscar Benton - Better Stop Cryin'
059. Billy Flynn - Small Town
060. The Miltones - Darling
061. Janiva Magness - Love To A Gunfight
062. Nina Simone - Gin House Blues
063. Peter Ward - On The Ropes
064. Southern Avenue - Peace Will Come
065. Judy Henske - Blues Chase Up A Rabbit
066. Nina Van Horn - My Baby Just Cares For Me
067. The Cadillac Three - This Accent
068. Dinah Washington - How Long (Malcolm Addey Remix)
069. Catfish John Tisdell - Give Me One Kiss
070. Kenny Brown - Rainin In Mississippi
071. Katie Kern - Bricks On My Pillow
072. Heart & Feather - Cold Wind
073. Odetta - Easy Rider
074. Imany - Don't Be So Shy (Filatov & Karas Remix)
075. Esther Phillips - Confessin' The Blues
076. The Band Perry - Walk Me Down the Middle
077. Alannah Myles - Hurry Make Love
078. Micki Free - Mojo Black Coffee
079. Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Blues In D
080. Tabata Songs - Alabama Country Tabata (feat. Coach)
081. Rory Block - Keepin' Outta Trouble
082. Slaptones - I Can't Let Go
083. Fanny - Lonesome Pine (UK Edit)
084. Timo Gross - Travellin, Pt. 2
085. John Campbelljohn - The Poor Man Pays
086. Maria Muldaur - Jon The Generator
087. AJ & The Badcats - Baby's Got To Go
088. Martha Velez - Drive Me Daddy
089. Honey B. & T-Bones - 99
090. Tracey Barnett - Beat Of The Land
091. The Hollerin Sluggers - Sleepin Blues
092. Al Jones & His Band - You Don't Have To
093. Taj Mahal - Corinna
094. Miguel Talavera Power Trio - Long Gone
095. Heart & Feather - Cages
096. Jimmy Cornett & The Deadmen - Highway Is My Home
097. Doug MacLeod - Night Walking
098. Mannish Boys - My Luck Will Change
099. The Ford Blues Band - 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
100. Johnny Winter - Last Night
101. Arthur Neilson - When It's Over
102. Tedeschi Trucks Band - These Walls
103. Blues Attitude - Long Distance Call
104. Matthew Skoller - Blues Immigrant
105. Craig Erickson - In The Sky
106. Free - Be My Friend
107. The Apocalypse Blues Revue - When the Music's Over
108. Bruce Ewan - Pappo's Leavin' Town
109. Rue Boogaloo - In The Course Of A Night
110. Smokin' Gun - Nothin Good To Say

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