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Скачать MOBILedit Phone Copier Express ENG

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 29 мая 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
MOBILedit Phone Copier Express ENG

MOBILedit Phone Copier Express - самая драгоценная часть в любом телефоне – его содержимое (контакты, сообщения, фотографии, музыка, видео и тд), без них телефон – просто часть аппаратных средств, а Phone Copier Express в состоянии скопировать эти драгоценные данные с одного бренда на другой, а также правильно разместит их нужные места, таким образом, телефон будет готов к полному использованию.

Покупка нового телефона может быть захватывающей вещью, но процесс передачи всего ценного содержания в новый телефон не настолько захватывающий. Это может фактически стать настоящей головной болью, особенно если Вы переходите с одного бренда на другой. У каждого пользователя современного телефона есть ценное содержимое, которое они хотят перенести в новый телефон. Эту важную и все же непростую задачу, Вам поможет решить данное приложение.

- Профессиональный инструмент для переноса данных из телефонов и SIM-карт
- Может быть использован в ваших магазинах и сервисных центрах или любой из ваших точек продаж
- Передача данных клиента из своего старого телефона на новый, с помощью всего одного щелчка мыши
- Кросс платформенная поддержка
- Сделайте резервную копию на материальных носителях или распечатайте контакты на бумаге

Easy transfers between phones
Whether you are upgrading or switching phone manufacturers, Phone Copier Express will make the move simple. With Phone Copier Express, you can transfer your phone content to another device. Just select the type of data you want to keep, click, and copy. Copy contacts, messages, calendar, photos, music, apps and documents. Everything will be intelligently placed into the appropriate folders of your new phone.

Cross-platform transfer solution
Whether you are switching models or brands, take your important content with you. With Phone Copier, simply connect both phones to the USB port via cable. Automatic detection will recognize both phones within seconds. Phone Copier Express identifies what content can be transferred based on the make and model of your phones. Its intelligence makes sure you take the most content possible to your new phone.

Transfers all possible data
Easily transfer contacts, messages, photos, videos , calendar, notes, tasks, applications and settings between phones. The majority of phones ever manufactured is supported, no matter if it is Android, iPhone, Motorola, Nokia, Siemens, Sony-Ericsson, LG, Symbian, MeeGo, Windows Phone, Windows CE, Bada or anything else. We go to the edge of technological possibilities, so if you meet any limitations in our software, it is most likely because it isn’t possible to copy the data between the particular phones.

Professional software for everyone
You too can utilize our professional software for your business or at home to easily move data from phone to phone. Our data extraction technology and understanding of hundreds of different protocols is what has led the US Military, FBI, CIA, IRS and police departments in over 75 different countries to rely on our expertise.

Easy to connect a phone
There are certain requirements to connect a phone to a Windows computer, but there is no need to be a phone expert. Phone is most often detected automatically for immediate connection, and if not, we will provide you with simple instructions for proper phone connection. You can also download the necessary device drivers to successfully connect the phone to Windows.

Transfer your phone content at home
Would you trust your data in someone else's hands? Many mobile stores use unsecure methods and tools to copy your data. So why let them see your data? Phone Copier allows you to transfer anytime, anywhere, so you can skip that trip to the service provider. Huge amounts of data transferred can be too time consuming for stores, but no problem for home.

Transfers are completely encrypted
Customers can trust the process. Transfers are direct and secure. No readable data is stored locally in a computer; during the transfer everything is encrypted by AES-256 algorithm and nothing is sent to the cloud.

Phone Copier 4.2 released!

Main features
* Copying of Call History (Call Logs)
* Speed improvement in copying of MMS and contact?s pictures
* iPhone shared albums pictures copying
* vCard backups - contacts copying for all the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Nokia feature phones (also applicable for Android phones)

Bug fixes
* Contacts copying from Androids 4.1 and higher was fixed
* Contacts copying into iOS >11 was fixed
* Cancel of copying process was fixed
* Occasions where the UI could freeze were fixed
* Connector updating was fixed
* Bluetooth file transfer improved.
* Deleting temporary files optimized

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: keygen-tsrh
Размер файла: 170.00 MB

Скачать MOBILedit Phone Copier Express ENG


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