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Скачать Oriental Blues Vol. 02 (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 10 июня 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Oriental Blues Vol. 02 (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Oriental Blues Vol. 02
Жанр: Blues, Rock Blues
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 135
Время звучания: 09 :44 :59
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Вам грустно и печаль овладела Вашим сердцем? Вас переполняют эмоции и вы ищете собеседника? Вы счастливы и душа просит поэзии? Тогда вам нужен блюз! Ведь за каждой песней стоит уникальная история человека, а в ней боль и радость, разочарование и надежда на лучшее. Блюз звучит жизнеутверждающе и дарит позитивный взгляд на жизнь. 

001. Chuck E. Weiss - Devil With Blue Suede Shoes
002. Blues Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
003. Beth Garner - Backroads Freddie
004. The Buzzhounds - Cinderella Needs New Shoes
005. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Drivin' Wheel
006. Chicago - I Don't Want Your Money
007. Adi Barar Band - Cold Black Night
008. Subluna - Come On Come On
009. Patrik Jansson Band - Keep Taking Your Chances
010. Guy Verlinde And The Houserockers - Let's Get It On
011. Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Nothing But The Night
012. Per Frost - Take Me To The River
013. Paradise Kings - Three Strikes
014. Jade Bennett - Why Buy The Cow
015. Mojomama - Without Your Love
016. George Dyer Band - Untrustworthy Woman
017. Pascal Geiser - Blues On My Tail
018. Jane Lee Hooker - Be My Baby
019. Angelina Hunter Trio - Better Than Today
020. Big Wolf Band - Darkest Of My Days
021. Sam Green and the Midnight Heist - Everybody Moving
022. Ry Cooder - Everybody Ought
023. Kev Spencer - Funky Kinda Stride
024. Black Stone Cherry - Hoochie Coochie Man
025. The Enzymes - Junkyard Blues
026. Laurence Jones - Keep Me Up At Night
027. Kelly Joe Phelps - House Carpenter
028. The big blue house - Playing this tune
029. Shaw Davis - Starvin' Blues
030. Mike Zito - The World We Live In
031. Val Starr & The Blues Rocket - Whether Blues
032. Impromptu - Como el Viento
033. Run With Patience - Goodbye Yesterday
034. Too Slim And The Taildraggers - One Step At A Time
035. Andy Watts - I Got the Same Old Blues
036. Rusty McCarthy - Crash And Burn
037. Tami Neilson - Devil in a Dress
038. John Hammond - Shake Your Money Maker
039. Lew Jetton - Sold Us Out
040. Downchild Blues Band - Take A Piece Of My Heart
041. Rocky Athas - Time Flies
042. Jean Paul Rena - Who Do You Think You're Fooling
043. Jimm Ross - Forget About Your Blues
044. Bluezzcontrol - A Good Friend Died
045. Justin Quinn Band - A Woman's Trick
046. Deltaphonic - Black Magic
047. Depravity Brothers - Burn It Down
048. Blindstone - By The Suns Of Warvan
049. Mezcaleros Blues Band - El Misterio De Tus Ojos
050. Dudley Taft - Pistols at Ten Paces
051. Robert Cray - 24-7 Man
052. Blindstone - Somethin's Got a Hold on Me
053. The Blues Mystery - Time to forgive
054. Rosedale - When Evil Sets Its Sights On You
055. Derrick Dove - Hurricane Of Love
056. Devil Jo & The Backdoormen - Yellow Wool Sheet
057. Jan James - Calling All Saints
058. Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings - Comin' Home, Baby
059. The Static Shift - Common Bliss
060. Dana Fuchs - Faithful Sinner
061. The Dirty Mojo Blues Band - Go Ahead
062. Melancholy - In The Woods
063. Dirty Dave Osti - More Love
064. Angel Forrest - Move On
065. Shaggy Dogs - Swingin' High And Low
066. Trish Kerr - Take a Little Bite
067. Aaron Keylock - That's Not Me
068. Pam Taylor - The Rain Song
069. Temporary Roads - Too Far
070. Vargas Blues Band - Ana No Duerme
071. Peter Karp - The Arson's Match
072. Bridget Kelly Band - Blues Inside of Me
073. Crow Black Chicken - Deer Meat Unloaded
074. Christine Parri - Devil In My Bed
075. Oscar Benton - My Love, Why
076. Dan Patlansky - Shake The Cage
077. Beth Hart - Tell Her You Belong To Me
078. Van Morrison - Bye Bye Blackbird
079. Omar & The Howlers - Always Been A Drifter
080. Elles Bailey - Believed In You
081. Delaney & Bonnie & Friends - Come On In My Kitchen
082. Dave Fields - How Am I Doing?
083. Gary Moore - My Baby
084. Albert Castiglia - Chase Her Around The House
085. Blindstone - Beyond The Purple Sky
086. Foreigner - Hot Blooded
087. The Blind Boys Of Alabama - I Can See
088. Supersonic Blues Machine - The Stranger
089. Thom Cooper - Fall at Your Feet
090. Bjoern Berge - Look On Yonder Wall
091. Blindstone - GM1 Jam
092. Wille and the Bandits - Crossfire Memories
093. Little Richard - Rockin' Rockin' Boogie
094. Will Wilde - Love That Burns
095. Faces - Around The Plynth
096. Foghat - Three Wheel Cadillac
097. Val Starr - Please Don't Go Away Mad
098. John Lee Hooker - Don't Turn Me From Your Door
099. Mississippi Fred McDowell - Keep Your Lamps Trimmed
100. Blind Willie McTell - Motherless Children Have A Hard Time
101. The J. Geils Band - Serves You Right To Suffer
102. 60,000,000 Buffalo - American Money Blues
103. Jerry Lee Lewis - Late Night Lovin' Man
104. Little Feat - A Apolitical Blues
105. T-Bone Walker - Shufflin' The Blues
106. Honey B. & T-Bones - Hawaiian Groupie
107. Lonnie Mack - Farther On Up The Road
108. MC5 - Tutti-Frutti
109. Slaptones - Little Red Rooster
110. John Fahey - Steamboat Gwine 'Round De Bend
111. Little Feat - Forty-Four Blues
112. Danny O'Keefe - Steel Guitar
113. Terry Reid - Zodiac Blues
114. Canned Heat - Highway 401
115. Tom Rush - If Your Man Gets Busted
116. Adrian Belew - Member Of The Tribe
117. Doug Sahm - Blues Stay Away From Me
118. Dave Edmunds - Cheap Talk, Patter And Jive
119. Foghat - Terraplane Blues
120. C.C.S. - Boom Boom
121. Low Budget Blues Band - Tennessee Plates
122. Cactus - Rockout, Whatever You Feel Like
123. Robert Randolph - Run For Your Life
124. Bjoern Berge - Who Do You Think You Are
125. Brownsville Station - Lightnin' Bar Blues
126. Blackfoot - Dream On
127. Delta Cross Band - Key To Highway
128. Alvin Youngblood Hart - Mama Don't Allow
129. NRBQ - Get Rhythm
130. Faces - Rear Wheel Skid
131. Mississippi Fred McDowell - When You Get Home
132. Faces - Jerusalem
133. The Shadows Of Knight - Light Bulb Blues
134. Eddie & The Hot Rods - Penetration Blues
135. Kelly Joe Phelps - Roll Away The Stone

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