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Скачать Independent Pop Rock (2019)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 4 января 2019 | Нашли ошибку?
Independent Pop Rock (2019)

Категория: Compilation
Исполнитель: Varied Performers
Название диска: Independent Pop Rock
Жанр: Pop Rock
Год Выпуска: 2019
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 06 :20 :42
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps

О Диске:
Постоянные эксперименты с подходом к написанию песен, яркие эмоции во время их исполнения — это то, чем исполнители жанра Indi заслужили внимание музыкальной общественности и преданную любовь своих слушателей.

001. Dystopia - Living For Summer
002. Roisin Murphy - Jacuzzi Rollercoaster
003. David Kitt - Like Lightning
004. Foster The People - Pay The Man
005. Erika Wennerstrom - Extraordinary Love
006. Dorine Wiersma - Zwammerdam
007. Editors - Darkness At The Door
008. Neffex - Hate It Or Love It
009. Praises - Confessor
010. Sound Of Ceres - The Trance
011. Un Planeta - Mujer Plata
012. Alt-J - Last Year Feat Goldlink
013. 1000 Flames - What We Found
014. Rita Braga - Millions Of Reflections
015. Anna Calvi - Indies Or Paradise
016. Bellini - Being Married
017. Jason Manns - Up On Cripple Creek
018. Hockey Dad - Danny
019. Kasabian - Good Fight
020. First Aid Kit - Postcard
021. Pachyderm - Such A Freak
022. The Smashing Pumpkins - Silvery Sometimes Ghosts
023. Land Of Talk - What Was I Thinking?
024. The Stone Roses - 04-Stone_Rose
025. Car Crash Sisters - Blackholeyday
026. Brian Lopez - Los Angeles
027. Alt-J - Deadcrush
028. White Lies - Time To Give
029. Hand Habits - All The While
030. Tashaki Miyaki - Cool Runnings
031. Blondie - Best Day Ever
032. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Blueberry Jam
033. Fall Out Boy - Heaven's Gate
034. The Charlatans - Not Forgotten
035. Cat Power - Stay
036. The Kooks - Down
037. Field Works - They Coat The Land In Names
038. Hunny - Rebel Red
039. The Temper Trap - What If I'm Wrong
040. Jaye Bartell - Dance With Me
041. Majetic - Bloodbrunch
042. Speedy Ortiz - Blood Keeper
043. The Smashing Pumpkins - Silvery Sometimes
044. 3 Sekunden Island - Polarlicht
045. Chris Lepps - Oh Yeah (Radio Edit)
046. David Kitt - Between Thresholds
047. Ellis - Frostbite
048. Exotic Matter - Cairo
049. Penelope Trappes - I Can Hear Your…
050. Roisin Murphy Feat. Ali Love - Can't Hang On
051. Un Planeta - Un Planeta
052. Whenyoung - Heaven On Earth
053. Zoe Keating - Icefloe
054. Doran Danoff - Amazed
055. Aniyo Kore - The Dark
056. Easy Easy - Counterflow
057. Magic Island - Baby Blu
058. Naked Poet - There's Nothin'
059. Pnthn - More Cheeks
060. Praises - The Devil
061. Rita Braga - Vampires On Horses
062. Walter Tv - Africa
063. High Hi - C.O.N.
064. Sunset Sons - Dance Your Life Away
065. Appleby - Er
066. Dorine Wiersma - Dol Op Mannen
067. Drivin N Cryin - Drivin' N' Cryin'
068. Free Cake For Every Creature - The Day To Day
069. Grivo - Opia
070. Nacho Vegas - Todos Contra El Cielo
071. Cosmic Invention - Lao Shorai
072. Bellini - Plumber’s Foxtrot
073. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Heart's Arms
074. Dentist - Tight Spot
075. Efrim Manuel Menuck - Heaven's Engine Is A Dusty Ol' Bellows
076. Muddy Monk - Ocean
077. Peter Holsapple - Inventory
078. Winterpark - Wunderkind
079. Mother On Mondays - Infinietly (Original Mix)
080. The Chamanas - Feel It Still (Spanish Version)
081. Thin Lips - I Know That I'm The Asshole
082. Saturday Night - Pilot Of The Night
083. Sales - Talk A Lot
084. Sarah Mary Chadwick - Life Is Long
085. Stubbusch - The Gun
086. The Froot - Midnight Girl
087. Eyes Of Love - There's A Party
088. Radjuret - Euforifylla
089. Sound Of Ceres - Mercury's Moods
090. Vian Izak - City Of Love
091. Unno - How We Swim
092. Ball Park Music - Cry With One Eye
093. The Stone Roses - 10-Stone_Roses-Begging_You-Flacx
094. Bloods - Bug Eyes
095. Cosmonaut On Vacation - Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
096. Sorrow - Ice And I
097. Watoo Watoo - La Brume
098. Boy & Bear - Man Alone
099. The Sunbathers - Girl You Left Behind
100. Imagine Dragons - Nothing Left To Say

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Pop, Rock, Lyric, VA-Album
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