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Скачать Contact The Spirit (2019)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 10 января 2019 | Нашли ошибку?
Contact The Spirit (2019)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Contact The Spirit
Жанр: Psy, Goa Trance
Год Выпуска: 2019
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 12 :23 :34
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps

О Диске:
Музыкальный тематический сборник включивший в свой состав композиции в жанре психоделического транса с наименованием "Contact The Spirit" понравится, как фанатам этого жанров, так и слушателям, которые любят разноплановую и занимательную музыку. Превосходная работа для широкой аудитории. Приятного прослушивания!

001. Agent K - General Zod's
002. Dreamvibes! - Breakdown (Original Mix)
003. Ace Ventura - The World That You Know
004. Argon Sphere - Traveller
005. Basikone - Uncomplete
006. Dragon Culture - Contact The Spirit
007. Indra - Tune (Original Mix)
008. Kanobi - Evolving Planet (Original Mix)
009. Lunatica - Do Not Forget
010. Material Music - Psychedelic Trance Dance Area
011. Mimra - S T Moon (Original Mix)
012. Minimal Criminal Bruno - Spirit Molecule
013. Neomorph - Psy-O-Rise
014. Raaisel - Birth
015. Second Side - Doctors Order
016. Serjan - The Future Is Now
017. Shanti V Deedrah - The Source
018. Sixeightw0Lf - Chaos Theory
019. Travis - Consciousness Discovery
020. Zyrus 7 - Aurora
021. Alternate Side - Poltergeist
022. Alternate Side - Diffraction
023. Ancient Tribe - Choose Life
024. Antithesis - Amniotic
025. Aodioiboa - Installing Hyperdrive Code
026. Aposynthesis - Extremist
027. Chameleon - Cosmic Apotheosis (Original Mix)
028. Cosmic Tone - Toxic
029. Dj Gabi - Only (Original Mix)
030. Drjeckyl - Good Luck
031. Ektoside - Numbers
032. Freak Control - Space Travel (Original Mix)
033. Magic Mizrahi - Acid Warriors
034. Marv Mode - Just Let Me Breathe
035. Megatone - Og Kush
036. Metronome - Pure Mathematics
037. Sentinel - Nucleus
038. Serenity Flux - Connection Failure
039. Tokah - Mysterious (Original Mix)
040. Trip Selector - Sunshine Trip
041. Anarkick - Oblique (Original Mix)
042. Art Imagination - Who Knows
043. Cosmic Brahma - Durga
044. Imaginarium - Colliding Orbits
045. Sci Fi And Vaktun - The Fall Of The Republic
046. Triphonic - Raimondi Stela
047. Xs - Flatland
048. Dual Resonance - Atlas
049. Breaker - Bug Out
050. Hinap - Time & Space
051. Yar Zaa - Nature Conspiracy
052. Christopher Lawrenc - Vishuddha (Original Mix)
053. Z_Tax - Acid And Teleport
054. Zoom - Elegia
055. Cymatic Empire - Big Bang (Original Mix)
056. One Function - Speed Of Light
057. Terra Pura - Spacewalkers
058. Djantrix & Lunatica - Calling Your Future
059. Dj-Improvisator - Play The Accordion
060. Psy-Mr. - Nothing From Everywhere
061. Eminor9 - One With You
062. Glimper - Come On (Original Mix)
063. Daniel Lesden - Confront Reality
064. Insignia - Time Travel (Original Mix)
065. Jeremy - The Future (Original Mix)
066. Juggling - Blue Cape
067. Jumanji Aka - In Da Jungle
068. Brainiac - Peakers
069. Katri - Can You Hear It
070. Kent Brockmen - Zeal (Original Mix)
071. N-Kore - Rain And Ritual
072. Laughing Buddha - Revel With The Devil
073. Libra - Four As One
074. Lost In Space - Tranceformation
075. Modern8 - Evolution (Original Mix)
076. Mystical Complex - Synergia
077. Nevalis - Black Knight (Original Mix)
078. Progma - Take Machine (Original Mix)
079. Red Owl - Dragons (Original Mix)
080. Samra - Next Level (Original Mix)
081. Shivattva - Kali Durga
082. Shogan - Beyond Skyline (Original Mix)
083. Solarix - Spectrum
084. Sphera & Outsiders - Matter Of Fact
085. Sun Project - I Feel (Fictional Remix)
086. Sundose - Mind Delights (Original Mix)
087. Symphonix - Distorted Silence
088. Teorema - Hoffman Mein Brudi
089. Vedanta - Akashak Field
090. Visua - Mayan Prophecy
091. Wintermute - Spooky Mooky
092. Zod - Confessions
093. Juanmand - Transmuted Duality
094. Lacerta - Sky Lizards
095. Mental Broadcas - System Panic
096. Rigbed - Organic Reality
097. Road Band - We Steel Your Karma
098. Tongue And Groove - Shwangle Buffet
099. Tree Circuit - New Vibrational Cycle
100. Desh - Ritual

Скачать: Contact The Spirit (2019)


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Теги к статье:

Trance, Psychedelic, Goa, VA-Album
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