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Скачать The Rock And Roll Scene (2019)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 28 января 2019 | Нашли ошибку?
The Rock And Roll Scene (2019)

Категория: Music Collection
Исполнитель: Various Musicians
Название диска: The Rock And Roll Scene
Жанр: Rock&Roll
Год Выпуска: 2019
Количество треков: 145
Время звучания: 05 :49 :19
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps

О Диске:
Да здравствует оранжевый галстук на шее гуляки! Мощнейший поток музыкальной энергии и позитива со сборником "The Rock And Roll Scene" Вам обеспечен.

001. Crazy Dolls and The Bollocks - Colt Baby Dragoon
002. Glenn Miller Orchestra - In the Mood
003. Alex Brown and the Hepcats - Twist Like Licorice
004. Buddy Knox - Rock Around the Clock
005. Roy Orbison - Ooby Dooby
006. Josie & The Outlaw - Wrong Turn
007. Little Richard - Ready Teddy
008. Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene - Better Move It on Home
009. Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel
010. Craig Douglas - Only Sixteen
011. The Crests - Sixteen Candles
012. The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman
013. Bruce Channel - Hey Baby (Radio Version)
014. William T. & The Black 50's - My Number One
015. Bill Haley and His Comets - Rip It Up
016. Big Boy Bloater - You Don't Know Diddley
017. The Spotnicks - Amapola
018. The Platters - Only You
019. The Dallas Boys - Zing Went the Strings of My Heart
020. Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought the Law
021. The Moonglows - Sincerely
022. Rochell and The Candles - Once Upon a Time
023. Frankie Avalon - DeDe Dinah
024. Eddie Hodges - I'm Gonna Knock on Your Door (Radio Version)
025. Amos Milburn - Chicken Shack Boogie
026. Eden Kane - Well I Ask You (Radio Version)
027. Gene Mc Daniels - A Hundred Pounds of Clay (Radioversion)
028. LaVern Baker - See See Rider
029. Joey Dee and The Starliters - Ya Ya (Radio Version)
030. Sara Lee - Down The Line
031. The Valadiers - Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)
032. Hank Ballard and The Midnighters - Nothing but Good
033. Little Anthony, The Imperials - Tears On My Pillow
034. Sammy Masters - Pink Cadillac
035. The Velvets feat. Virgil Johnson - Tonight (Could Be the Night)
036. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - There's Something Wrong with You
037. Don and Dewey - Justine
038. Ritchie Valens - Donna (Single Version)
039. Gene Vincent and His Blue Caps - Git It
040. Rollers - The Continental Walk
041. Clarence 'Frogman' Henry - Ain't Got No Home
042. The Crew Cuts - Sh-Boom
043. Mercy Dee - Come Back, Maybellene
044. The Cadillacs - Baby's Comin' Home to Me
045. Carnations - Long Tall Girl
046. Johnny Cash - Ballad of a Teenage Queen
047. Sleepy Labeef - All the Time
048. Billy J Kramer, The Dakotas - Great Balls of Fire (Mono)
049. Tommy Roe - Sheila (Radio Version)
050. The Road Cruisers - Get a Job
051. Lee Denson - High School Hop
052. Shep and The Limelites - Daddy's Home
053. Chris Montez - Let's Dance (Radio Version)
054. Freddie, The Dreamers - Some Other Guy
055. Carl Perkins - Matchbox
056. Clarence Garlow - Crawfishin'
057. The Champs - Tequila
058. Ruth Brown - Lucky Lips
059. Joe Turner - Lipstick, Powder and Paint
060. Bo Diddley - What Do You Know About Love ?
061. The Everly Brothers - Til I Kissed You
062. Jimmy Jackson - Six-Five Jive
063. Frankie Valli, The Four Seasons - Why Do Fools Fall In Love?
064. Vince Eager - Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
065. Roy Brown - Saturday Night
066. Jesse Lee Turner - Shake Baby Shake
067. Jimmy Dee - You're Late, Miss Kate
068. Adam Faith - Ah Poor Little Baby
069. Jimmy Rodgers - Honeycomb
070. Conway Twitty - Mona Lisa
071. Johnny Burnette - We're Really Gonna Rock It
072. The Spaniels - I Know
073. Vince Taylor, His Playboys - Right Behind You Baby
074. Dreamlovers - When We Get Married
075. Frankie Barrett - Good Rockin' Tonight
076. Arvee Allens - Fast Freight
077. Bobby Day - Rockin' Robin
078. The Mandalays - Peter Gunn
079. Sam Cooke - I'll Come Running Back to You
080. Dee Clark - Oh Little Girl
081. Smiley Lewis - I Hear You Knocking
082. The Pentagons - To Be Loved (Forever)
083. Billy Fury - Halfway to Paradise (Radio Version)
084. Link Wray - Rumble
085. The Demensions - Over the Rainbow
086. The Jarmels - A Little Bit of Soap
087. Ricky Nelson - Believe What You Say
088. The Drifters - Ruby Baby
089. Screamin' Joe Neal - Rock 'n' Roll Deacon
090. Los Locos del Rock'n Roll - Tequila
091. Ivan - Real Wild Child
092. Fats Domino - Blue Monday
093. The Crickets - That'll Be the Day
094. B. Bumble and The Stingers - Nut Rocker (Radio Version)
095. Little Eva - Keep Your Hands Off My Baby
096. The Olympics - Big Boy Pete
097. Tommy DiNatale - Oh, Marie
098. Buddy Holly - That'll Be the Day
099. The Five Keys - She's the Most
100. The King Brothers - Cold, Cold Shower
101. Ray Charles - Hallelujah I Love Her So
102. Pat Boone - A Wonderful Time up There
103. Bobby Darin - Plain Jane
104. The Regents - Barbara-Ann
105. The Miracles - Who's Lovin' You
106. Adam Tyronne - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
107. Johnnie Ray - Just Walking in the Rain
108. Johnny Kidd, The Pirates - Please Don't Bring Me Down
109. The Five Satins - In the Still of the Night
110. Joe Tex - You Little Baby Faced Thing
111. Sevilles - Charlena
112. Mad Man Taylor - Rumble Tumble
113. Jerry Lee Lewis - Let Me On
114. Johnny Tillotson - Poetry in Motion
115. Countdown Nashville - The All-American Boy
116. Janis Martin - All Right Baby
117. Danny and The Juniors - At the Hop
118. Countdown Singers - Splish Splash
119. Don Lang and His Frantic Five - You Started Something
120. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - Shake Your Money-Maker
121. The Cadets - Stranded in the Jungle
122. Charles Thomas - Miss Shake It
123. Thurston Harris - Do What You Did
124. The Shadows - Apache
125. The Magic Time Travelers - Stood Up
126. Lee Dorsey - Ya Ya
127. The Challengers - The Blonde In the 406
128. Mickey and Sylvia - Love Is Strange
129. The Flamingos - Nobody Loves Me Like You
130. Bobby Vee - Rubber Ball
131. Gene Vincent - Dance to the Bop
132. Esquerita - Rockin' the Joint
133. Pat Boone - Love Letters in the Sand
134. Oscar Mc Lollie - Roll, Hot Rod, Roll
135. Graham Blvd - Words of Love
136. Eddie Cochran - Hallelujah I Love Her So
137. Frankie Vaughn - Tweedle Dee
138. The Coasters - Besame Mucho, Pt. 1
139. Blue Suede Daddys - Blue Suede Shoes
140. Long Tall Marvin - Have Mercy, Miss Percy
141. Billy Carroll - Big Green Car
142. Cliff Richard - Somebody Touched Me
143. Wanda Jackson - Let's Have a Party
144. The Cues - Why
145. Chuck Berry - Maybelline

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Rock, Rock And Roll, Collection, VA-Album
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