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Скачать Extreme Movie Manager

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 21 мая 2019 | Нашли ошибку?
Extreme Movie Manager

Extreme Movie Manager - лучшая программа для ведения домашней фильмотеки. Для каждого фильма предоставлено более 70 (!) полей описания, разделенных по подгруппам. Возможность импорта данных со специализированных сайтов, есть возможность создания собственного импорт-скрипта. Программа поддерживает все существующие сегодня форматы файлов от *.avi и *.mpg до RealMedia. При помощи программы можно не только вести учет коллекции, но и воспроизводить видеофайлы.

• Поддержка DivX, DVD, VHS, SVHS, VCD, LaserDisc, дисков, кассет и файлов
• Заполнение информации о видео, исполнителях, скриншоты и другая информация
• Поиск и автоматическое заполнение информации о кино по базам данных в Интернет
• Загрузка скриншотов и другой информации из Интернета
• Сортировка и поиск по критериям
• Поддержка чтения информации из AVI, OGG, MPEG, RealMedia и IFO (DVD) видео файлов: дата создания, кем создан, битрейд, фреймрейд, используемые кодеки и программы для конвертирования и автоматическое внесение этих данных в базу данных ваших видео фильмов
• Высокая скорость работы
• Высокое качество результата
• Приятный и удобный интерфейс!

All New Design, XMM has been rewritten from scratch.
Now you have More Skin to choose and a new clean and simple Interface

Catalog your Ripped Movies by Simply Scanning your Devices...
Device scanner is new, now is more smart and can automatically catalog all your collection (Ripped Movies, DVD, Blu-Ray, NAS, Networked Media Tanks ecc...)

We love TV Shows, We have made the new Device Scanner able to catalog automatically all your collection.
Collecting TV Series is now just a click away. With the built-in functions to extract automatically TV Shows Title, Season, Episode number and Episode Titles will really extremely easy add everything to your database.

New MagicScript Engine!
Import all information from internet like cast, crew, pictures, fanart, trailers is now more easy. XMM will work in background, will import all movies info from your favourite website automatically. You have just to add Movies, the other things will be managed by XMM. It will prompt you only in case there are more sources for a movie

Browse you collection ONLINE, anywhere and share with your friends!
With the "My Website" function you can create your collection in one click. With the built in FTP Manager XMM will take care of uploading everything in your server, automatically. Beautiful movie details page using Fanarts as background.. Fanarts are automatically download by XMM with Scripts like THEMOVIEDB. Complete Actors, Directors, Producers etc... database, with information downloaded automatically from Web

Watch Trailers direcly with XMM
Import the trailers with scripts in your language and watch inside the MovieCard.

Powerful tools!
- We have made powerful tools to export your collection in Android, iPhone, NMT Devices, XBMC etc...
- Browse your collection in Popcornhour Products! (Work also with other NMT)!
- With the built in My NTM Device Function XMM will create webpages and will sincronize with your NTM.
- Browse your collection in MediaPortal (with MyFilms plugin)
- Export your collection in XML, My Films will read it and show your collection!

Key Features:
• Organize your Movie/DVD collection automatically, lookup your Hard Disks, CD/DVD, portable devices in search for files, import movies list directly from CSV, TXT files
• Organize your TV Shows collection automatically, lookup your Hard Disk, CD/DVD in search for Episodes files, download all data from internet, including all episode plot, images, cats with just a click!
• Read Codec data directly from movie files, like bitrate, audio, channels, codec used, screen resolution...
• Extract frames directly from your movie files, to have a preview of the video quality, take a look at film scene
• Download all data, images, trailers automatically from internet from many sources in many languages, including casts, crew, DVD details
• Browse your Movies and TV Shows collection on screen with a powerful interface, with rich search options
• Export all your collection in several format, including CSV, TXT, HTML and the exclusive (x)HTML-DATABASE technology
• Learn how to use eXtreme Movie Manager with a short and concise Video Tutorials, read our Quick Tour of XMM features and get support from our Forum

What's new in version
- Fixed a bug Wuth Layouts
- Fixed some language translation
- Fixed the XMM Icon :-D

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: patch-F4CG
Размер файла: 75.46 MB

Скачать Extreme Movie Manager


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