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Скачать Coolmuster Mobile Transfer 2.4.34

АвторАвтор: mexanik | ДатаДата: 14 октября 2020 | Нашли ошибку?
Coolmuster Mobile Transfer 2.4.34

Не знаете, как скопировать данные со старого телефона на новый, поскольку они разных производителей? Mobile Transfer выдающийся инструмент, который поможет вам переносить данные с одного устройства на другое без повреждений.

Когда вы решите переключиться со своего старого мобильного телефона на совершенно новый смартфон или просто устали от старого телефона, который вы использовали в течение многих лет, и решили испытать другую мобильную платформу, Mobile Transfer всегда будет вашим лучшим выбором для синхронизации данные между двумя телефонами, даже если они работают с разными ОС, такими как самые популярные iOS и Android. Только три шага подключения двух устройств к компьютеру, тикание файлов, которые вы хотите перенести, а затем завершение передачи данных одним щелчком мыши, чрезвычайно легко перенести все файлы на новый телефон с помощью Mobile Transfer.

Основные возможности программы:
 • Устраняет сложность эффективной передачи данных между двумя телефонами, особенно между двумя различными
    операционными системами Android и iOS.
 • Позволяет переносить контакты, SMS, журналы звонков, музыку, видео, фотографии, электронные книги,
    приложения с Android на Android.
 • Позволяет передавать контакты, календари, закладки, электронные книги (PDF и электронные письма),
    заметки от iOS до iOS.
 • Поддерживает передачу контактов, электронных книг (PDF и ePubs) с Android на iOS.
 • Позволяет передавать контакты, SMS, музыку, видео, фотографии, электронные книги (PDF и электронные письма) с iOS на Android.

Have no idea about how to copy data from an old phone to a new one since they are coming from different manufacturers? Mobile Transfer is an outstanding tool to help you move data from one device to another without damage.


Directly Move Content between Different Smartphones
Switching to a new phone and falling into the trouble of how to transfer data from the old phone to the new one? Make it an easy transition with the help of Coolmuster Mobile Transfer, which empowers you with the ability to transfer overall data between two mobile phones (Click to learn how to transfer photos between two Android phones).

• Devices & Carriers: Be compatible with phones and tablets run iOS and Android OSes, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony, Google, Motorola and more. It's fully compatible with AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile, etc. carriers.
• Support Data types: Almost all file types can be supported by this phone to phone data transfer, such as Contacts, Text Messages, Call Logs, Calendars, Safari Bookmarks, Photos, Music, Videos, Documents, Apps, eBooks, etc..

Merge Content in One Click
Whenever you decide to switch from your old mobile phone to the brand-new smartphone, or just tired of the old phone that you have used for years and decide to experience another mobile platform, Mobile Transfer is always your best choice to sync data between two phones, even if they are running different OSes, such as the most popular iOS and Android.

• ONE, TWO, THREE! Only three steps as connecting two devices to the computer, ticking the files you want to transfer and then completing data transfer with one click, extremely easy to transfer all the files to the new phone with Mobile Transfer.
• Strictly Obey Instructions! Mobile Transfer is 100% read only, and it won't alter your phone data without your permission.

Backup Your Phone to Computer Outright (Coming Soon!)
Mobile Transfer is not just a simple data mobile phone data transfer program, it also allows you to perform a fast and full backup process of the data from your phone to computer, no matter you are using Android or iOS phone/tablet.

• Backup phone data to computer: With the backup function provided by Mobile Transfer, you can sync all files from your Android phone/tablet and iOS device to your computer without any quality loss (Learn how to by reading the guide How to Backup Samsung Contacts on Computer).
• Mobile phone memory overload? In case that your phone get cluttered up with rolls of pictures, videos and redundant apps, you may want to move some large files from your phone to other places in order to free up your phone storage. Mobile Transfer can transfer your phone data to computer intelligently.

Restore from Backups within 1 Click (Coming Soon!)
Apart from the backup ability, Mobile Transfer is also good at restoring files from backups.

• Why we need to restore from backup? Accidentally deleted or lost files on your phone and want to want then back by restoring the backup files to your phone; or have your phone lost and want to restore the backup files to a new one; or just want to sync purchased items between two devices from the backup.
• What can we restore from backup? Mobile Transfer enables you to restore backup file from iTunes and Mobile Transfer. That's to say as long as you have backed up your phone with iTunes and Mobile Transfer, you can use Mobile Transfer program to restore your precious data with 1 click.

Год: 2020
: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Интерфейс: ENG
Лекарство: в комплекте
Размер: 22 Мб

Скачать Coolmuster Mobile Transfer 2.4.34


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