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Скачать Isotropix Clarisse iFX/Builder/PLE 5.0 SP5

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 22 октября 2021 | Нашли ошибку?
Isotropix Clarisse iFX/Builder/PLE 5.0 SP5

Isotropix Clarisse iFX - это новейшее программное обеспечение Hi-End класса для профессиональной 2D / 3D анимации, рендеринга и композитинга. Clarisse iFX была разработана для оптимизации документооборота CG художников, чтобы позволить им работать в постоянном взаимодействии с окончательным изображением, применяя все эффекты для него. Данное приложение призвано помочь художникам разрабатывать сложные детальные интерактивные сцены, доводя их до совершенного финального изображения.

Clarisse iFX позволяет создавать сцены/анимацию и сразу получать финальную картинку со всеми эффектами в реальном времени.

Возможности Clarisse iFX:
- программа сочетает в себе инструменты для анимации рендера и композитинга; предназначен для того, чтобы художникам было удобно работать над тяжелой сценой, сразу ориентируясь на конечный результат;
- новый PBR движок требует меньшего количества сэмплов, чтобы избавиться от шума;
- GI теперь включен по умолчанию;
- разработан целый ряд изменений в рабочий процесс освещения (подробнее в видео ниже);
- регулируемый мех прямо в программе;
- новый point_uv_sampler, который позволяет переключаться в 2D-пространство для редактирования.

Work interactively on final rendered imagery
Shed light on the creative process via a state-of-the-art, lightning-fast CPU rendering engine. Creatives no longer need to work blind – they can interactively manipulate final imagery, seeing real-time updates directly in the viewport.
This means up to nine times more creative iterations and a more flexible, unhindered approach to content creation.

- Manipulate hero assets interactively
- Work at speed with unidirectional path-tracing and PBR
- Iterate faster on creative work

Deeper collaboration founded in powerful referencing
Automatically synchronize all assets existing in a scene with a single click. Clarisse iFX’s powerful hierarchical referencing workflow empowers a consistent, collaborative creative process: dozens of creatives can work simultaneously and seamlessly on a single environment while ensuring artists, technical directors and wider teams don’t become lost in the noise. This also enables freelancers to easily jump into a project and get to work, without any headaches.

- From freelancers to large teams: collaborate on scenes with total transparency
- Synchronize internal and external assets instantly
- A streamlined process from scene assembly to final render

Burst through the polygon barrier
Extreme complexity made manageable via a memory-efficient procedural evaluation engine. Clarisse iFX lets artists work with bazillions of polygons while it handles data behind the scenes. Users experience fast, flexible creativity even when manipulating environments containing vast complexity, thanks to an advanced PBR and path-tracing renderer that won’t break a sweat.

- Bazillions of polygons at your fingertips
- Remarkable flexibility in scene set-up
- Tackle today’s complex CG workflows with ease

Multiple workflows, one application
Experience a tool created in response to the challenges of modern-day post-production. Clarisse iFX consolidates set-dressing, look development, lighting, rendering and layered-based pre-comp into a single, unified package. Archaic workflows defined by application hopping are a thing of the past; instead, users can focus on the singular task of creating incredible art.

- No more application-hopping: access a unified,
- artist-friendly toolset
- Intuitive tools designed specifically for today’s
- post-production environment
- No more archaic 90s workflows

Created for you, by you
For artists, by artists. Every Clarisse iFX feature and update is born out of feedback and collaboration with our user community. We constantly engage with front-line artists and technical directors to learn what new challenges they’re facing and how they could increase productivity. Clarisse iFX is built, updated, and continually improved in response to these relationships.

- Constantly updated to address today’s workflow challenges
- Intuitively designed – enjoy an easy learning curve
- Features developed to increase productivity

Hassle-free pipeline integration
Built for seamless integration into any modern production pipeline. Clarisse iFX works with major 2D and 3D applications and doesn’t require custom tools or third-party plugins to get started. It’s also comes with support for major CG frameworks, integrated color management based on OpenColorIO, a pipeline-friendly ASCII file format, and much more.

- Out-of-the-box Alembic, OpenVDB, UDIM and UV Tiles support
- Support for every image file format
- Extensive Python customization

Minimum System Requirements:
- CPU: Intel or AMD based x86-64 CPU supporting AVX2
- RAM: 4 GB
- Hard-Drive: 1 GB disk space available
- 64-bit Operating System: Windows 10
- Graphics Card: OpenGL 4.0 compliant graphics card
- Network Card: Wifi and/or Ethernet
- Display: 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution in 24 bit color
- Mouse: Three-button mouse

Whats New in Isotropix Clarisse iFX 5.0 SP5

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2021
Платформа: Windows® 10 (64-bit only)
Язык интерфейса: Английский / English
Лекарство: crack.eXe
Размер файла: 512.98 MB

Скачать Isotropix Clarisse iFX/Builder/PLE 5.0 SP5


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