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Скачать Prima Cartoonizer 5.0.6

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 23 декабря 2022 | Нашли ошибку?
Prima Cartoonizer 5.0.6

Prima Cartoonizer - преобразуйте Ваши фотографии в мультфильмы всего лишь в несколько кликов мыши с помощью Prima Cartoonizer для ПК. Теперь вы можете конвертировать все ваши картинки и изображения в мультипликационный эффект быстрее и точнее. Вы можете конвертировать большие или высококачественные фотографии в мультфильмы с лучшими результатами.

Кроме того, вы также можете редактировать свои фотографии и делать множественные корректировки даже до или после их конвертации. Добавляйте множество предметов, обрезайте фотографии, изменяйте размер и регулируйте яркость и контрастность.

Наслаждайтесь фантастическими мультипликационными эффектами с Prima Cartoonizer!
- Удивительные мультипликационные эффекты!
- Автоматический процесс конвертации!
- Работает без подключения к интернету!
- Размер выходного изображения до 4096 пикселей!

It's the time to replace the cookie cut forum avatar by a real cartoon of you:
- The good thing is that you can let the people know how you look like without sharing your actual photo but a cartoon of yourself.
- You can make cartoons of your friends, pets, house, neighborhood and especially the celebrities and the politicians.
- Cartoons will be the best gift for your family and friends. You can also use them on mugs and T-shirts.
- Undoubtedly, this software is a great fun and addictive, too. It is very easy to use and also intuitive.
- No need of great artistic skills because no manual drawing is involved.
- The software uses very novel technology to execute the whole process.
- First of all, it splits the image into solid color patterns just similar to a mosaic. After that, it converts the minute details of the image into cartoon format.
- Since it applies effects throughout the photo, the end result is always of high-quality.
- Cartoon yourelf without any Watermark or Logo!
- Standalone software!

Comes with several neat customization features
Following a quick installation, you are prompted to add a picture to get started, an event that also brings forth the effects, features and options of the application. Therefore, on the ride side, you can use the small menu to customize the brightness, contrast and RGB. The app also comes with a zoom feature that can come in handy when adjusting these parameters.

An app for anyone who enjoys cartoons or this particular effect
Depending on the number of effects you want to add to your pictures the conversion process can take some time. But then again, nobody is really in a hurry when processing images and overall, it's not a big setback. All in all, Prima Cartoonizer is an easy to use application that provides an effective way to add a toon effect to your images.

More Features:
- You can even make all types of adjustments with the cartoonized photo.
- Avail multiple effects to make your pictures desirable and mesmerizing.
- You can conveniently convert your photos into cartoons just within seconds.
- It is extremely simple software with the main theme of turning images into cartoons.
- It allows the users to covert photos into cartoons really fast than normal process.
- With the help of crop function, you can remove any unwanted part/parts of your image.
- You can edit your images and adjust the brightness and the contrast...etc
- No other standalone program or software is needed; it does all the functions itself.
- The converted cartoon does not contain any watermark or logo.(Paid version only)
- You need not to save the photo to print it. You can do it right from within your software.
- Resize function available, you can resize your photo before or after the conversion.
- Different goodies enhance the overall fun and joy, thus bringing extra colors to your cartoons.

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2022
Платформа: Windows® 11/10/8.1/8/7 (64-bit only)
Язык интерфейса: Английский / English
Лекарство: crack.eXe
Размер файла: 121.10 MB

Скачать Prima Cartoonizer 5.0.6


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